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Dylan Blake

I sat on the lunch table alone again and was wiping the spoon that I brought from home.

I then saw Nate putting his tray across from me and sat as if nothing had happened between us. I was quite sad that our whole friendship was ruined because he kissed me but didn't seem to care.

"What are you doing?"I asked.

"I'm sitting with you again."He said casually, "Why?is there a problem?"

"No, "I shook my head, "I just thought that after what happened, you'll hate me."

"You're not getting rid of me that easily."
He winked at me.

Being around Nate was super awkward but it was kinda nice that he still likes me as he did before.

Emily then sat next to me without greeting Nate. She seemed angry and her shirt was dirty with some fluids.

"I have had the worst day."She immediately complained after sitting down, "First, Mr. Dickface gave me a C in Economics because I forgot to write down the fucking date, and then, Mike assface bumped into me in the hallway and spilled his smoothie all over me."

"That's rough."Nate interjected in which Emily glared at her, "I'm not part of this conversation."Nate stated the obvious.

"Leave," She clenched her teeth.

I was disappointed that he was gone and turned to Emily, "I deserve food."She said and dug into her tray of food.

Whatever Emily said after that, I didn't hear any of it because I was busy looking at Nate, who was sitting with the twins and I just realized how hot he looked with his bright red shirt and he had his hair pushed back for the first time, which I found extremely attractive.

I tried not to have feelings for him but when goes on and looks like that, how can I even try?


I couldn't believe that Emily convinced me to go to a party in some random students house and when I got in,
it was like I've never met any of the people there.

I was obviously not the party type but Emily didn't even force me to go out,
she just mentioned that she was going and that she was going to be alone.
She kinda guilt trip me by explaining to me how dangerous it is for girls to go to parties alone and I decided to go with her.

"Don't worry."She squeezed my hand,
"I won't leave your sight."

I nodded and we went inside the house together,

We passed by a bunch of sweaty, drunk teenagers and I stood somewhere near the corner.

Emily looked liked she wanted to go and have a drink or something and I felt like I was holding her back, "You can leave me for one second if you need a drink or anything."I pointed out.

"Wait here."She instructed, "Don't take any brownies from anyone."She yelled after she went further away.

After she was gone, I looked at everyone that seemed to be having a good time as I was left alone there, feeling uncomfortable.

"Brownie?"Kyle offered with a plate in his hand.

"No, thank you, "I mumbled.

"Come on, "He smirked, "You showed up at my house. The least you can do is try my brownies."

I had no idea that it was Kyle's house and that just made the situation much worse.

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