Nate Carter
"It's fuck up that they treat us like that."Maya said angrily, "They can't give us a ticket for being black."
"Can you tell us how it happens again?"Brad asked.
"Bella, Ryan, and I were hanging out and she left the car for a few minutes before two asshole cops came to our car and started rambling about some shit because we were acting suspiciously that two black people were hanging out in the car in the middle of the night. Ryan was talking just fine but they said that he was being disrespectful and-"She choked on her own words as the tears fell down her cheeks,
"They suddenly ask him to get and I don't know what happened but they started to pin him to the floor when Ryan was taking out his wallet to get his id and they hit him in the face with a gun.".We were at the hospital in the middle of the night and when I got the news, I felt sick to my stomach after finding out that shit like this still happens to people just because they're skin color.
"How is he?"I finally ask.
"We don't know, "Bella said. She looked upset and I know that she was blaming herself for this as she always did. She may be a self-absorbed bitch but she knows when to start acting like a human being,
"His parents are talking to the doctor.""This is fuck up."Brad spat, "We need to do something about it."
"We can't do anything about it, Brad."Maya said seriously, "Things like this will keep on happening, no matter what we do. Whatever you think can change it, everything will remain the same and it'll just be a waste of time."
Brad was upset because he had known Ryan for years and although I don't him that well, he is one of the least annoying people in the group and that was why I felt terrible about this whole situation.
"Did you get a name or something on the cop?"I asked, "We can report them."
"I recorded them, actually, "Maya mentioned.
"Post-it."Bella said softly, "People need to know about those pieces of crap cops."
"What if it makes things worst, "Maya asked in a worried tone.
"You don't have to if you don't want to but just think about it, Maya, "Bella said, actually sounding genuine for the first time in her life.
Maya came around and posted the video.
That gave a lot of attention to the group as people were starring at us the whole day at school. Then again, they always had been.
"I know that I said I wouldn't do anything about it but I changed my mind."Maya sat with us at the lunch table in the outdoor lunch area of the school, "But I think we should start a peaceful protest. Some of the students recommended me doing it and with our social status, many people might actually join us."
"I'm in."Bella and Brad said in unison before Brad frowned and gave her a five-dollar bill.
"What about you?"Maya ask me.
"Yeah, I'm in."I nodded, "When is it?"
"After school."Maya pointed out.
I had plans with Dylan after school but that seemed like it was not happening anymore because Maya needed me at the moment and I knew that I had to help her because that was the right thing to do.
After lunch, I went to class and before heading out, I ran into Dylan in the hallway.
"Hey, "I smiled widely, "I know that we were supposed to hang out later but I kinda have something to do later."
"You're going to the protest, aren't you?"
He frowned, looking all worried about me."How did you know?"
"People have been talking about it all day."He mentioned, "Please don't go, Nate. These protests thing are dangerous and they never usually ends well."
He seemed genuinely worried about me and I hated how much I was about to disappoint him.
"I have to."I said seriously, "As much as I don't like them, Maya and Ryan are my friends and they don't deserve being treated like this because of their race."
"They already have enough people."Dylan pointed out, "It wouldn't make any difference if you don't show up."
"I'm sorry, Dylan."I said softly, "You're not changing my mind."
He pouted, "At least be careful."
"I will, "I assured.
"Promise me that you'll leave when things get violent."He said seriously.
"They won't, "I assured.
"Nate," He said and his expression grew to become more upset," Just promise me."
"I promise."I rubbed both his shoulders,
"Stop worrying about me."Dylan's POV
I was studying with Emily but was distracted as I couldn't stop thinking about Nate and checked on my phone from time to time to see if he had texted me,
"You okay?"Emily asked me.
"Yeah, "I put my phone down, "I'm just worried about Nate and my siblings."
"Right, they have that protest today. I wanted to go but that shit scary."She explained.
"How so?"I dare to ask.
"I used to attend one back in my hometown and it started as a peaceful protest but it ended with the cops raiding and throwing tear gas, shooting us with dart guns, and hell, I even saw one person getting beat with a baton."She explained vividly.
All of my worries started to grow even more as I started to freak out.
"But I'm sure that Nate and you're siblings will be fine," She added.
I took out my phone and dial Nate's number but I got sent to voicemail,
"Hey, Nate, it's me, I know that you're not changing your mind but I'm really worried and...Just call me back."Emily didn't say anything as she looked like she regretted saying all of that to me.
"So, umm...Are you and Nate like a thing or something?"Emily asked.
"What, no."I blushed out of embarrassment, "We're just friends. Why are you asking?"
"You just seem to care about him, a lot."She mentioned, "But that's normal, I guess."
I ignored her after I received a notification on my phone and saw Nate texting me a picture of him smiling with a headband that said: Stop Attacking Our Friends
Nate: I'm fine, stop worrying

RomanceTry being the most popular twins in town. Now, try being their introverted little brother. Dylan Blake is the younger brother of Brad and Bella, the captain of the football team, and the captain of the cheerleading team. Moreover, they are social me...