author's note!

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HELLO!!!! IT'S ME!!!!!!!! and jesse, and tomás. all three of us have returned.

so, before we start, a few things:

firstly, the title has changed! yay! this was formerly called the average and the oddity and has now been renamed star witness!

Secondly! in this, i write about lived experiences that are not mine. of course I've done as much research as possible and made my best attempt to be accurate and respectful, but no amount of research can make up for things i've never been through. if I get any sort of representation or detail wrong that you have experience with, or anything makes you uncomfortable, absolutely feel free to message me! I definitely want to know and always always want to learn more

and now trigger warnings. this story is definitely not super graphic, but i want everybody to be safe, SO! there are a lot of mentions of drugs and addiction--jesse is an addict, so substance abuse is pretty much woven into the plot. There's also discussion of child and domestic abuse, as well as talk about death and chronic illness and medical stuff. if you want more specific time frames for when I think things get most gritty, again feel totally free to reach out and i will provide that for you!

updates will be every wednesday evening, standard mountain time, unless I say otherwise :) this should stay pretty consistent, because I do have the vast majority of the story already written.

also, if you would like to follow me elsewhere, I post art made with lines rather than words on my instagram account @noisyblues and I reblog stuff on tumblr @livingchancy.

FINALLYYYYY, this is still a rough draft! I hate to say go easy on me, but, hey, take it into account! also I'm fragile.

with all that covered, read on!! i hope you enjoy, whoever you may be <3 <3 <3

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