32. The Confessing

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"I can't eat anymore." I said, pushing my now empty plate forward and leaning back in my chair. I watched with a small smile as Nathan stuffed another bite of lobster in his mouth and kept eating like there was no tomorrow.

"But there's dessert after." Nathan pouted at me, finishing up and wiping his mouth with a handkerchief as if he were a true gentlemen.

I chuckled. "I'll just have it to go." I grinned as he finished off his meal and leaned forward on the small table between us, a single candle glowing in the middle of it.

I thought these things only happened in the movies. But I was yet again, proven wrong by the guy sat in front of me. If there was such a thing of the most romantic dinner ever, this would be it.

Nathan had made this special night my most favorite, and one I would never forget. He had somehow managed to privately book the entire beach for the night, and had told me the surprise wasn't over just yet.

The tranquil, lovely atmosphere was suddenly interrupted as a recurring thought suddenly came up.

I looked over at Nathan, who had been silently studying me the whole time with a soft smile on his face. The crazy part was, I still got butterflies at that.

I debated even bringing it up, seeing as how beautiful and magical he had made this night for me. But I knew it was important and I needed to know.

"Hey, you never told me what you were doing in Europe for three months." I stated.

Nathan's eyes widened in surprise, before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "I was planning to tell you that later." He mumbled, biting his lip and looking down at the table.

I leaned forward and grabbed his hands, causing his eyes to snap up back to mine. "Sorry, I just kind of blurted my thoughts. It's been bugging me for a while now." Three months to be exact. "But you don't have to tell me right now." I added with a small smile. As much as it killed me to be left in the dark, I didn't want to spoil this amazing night. He had done all this for me. I should just shut up and be grateful instead of putting him in the hot seat with my questions. "Sorry if I ruined the mood." I said sheepishly.

He offered me a small smile, before standing up and holding out a hand.

I wordlessly took it and stood up with him, ignoring the pang of hurt that he wouldn't tell me.

But once again, he proved me wrong as we started to walk barefoot alongside the shore. I still had my poofy dress on, but at least my feet weren't killing me.

"When we finally got away from Ryland, my love for you only grew." He started off with a small smile, looking down at the sand as we walked. "I didn't want to leave your side once it was all over. After what you had done for me, I wanted to make sure you'd be the happiest girl on earth. I wanted to take care of you, treat you the way you deserved to be treated. I wanted you to move in with me, start a life together, maybe even get a cat." He looked over at me with a smirk and I could hear my heart thudding erratically.

I stared back at him with wide eyes, feeling flattered and shocked, but I remained silent.

"I planned on doing just that. But that day when I was at the hospital, I got a call from my dad. There wasn't anyone in my room so I answered. I hadn't talked to him in over a year, so it was surprising. We ended up having a long talk. I told him everything that happened after he left us, just so he knew his daughter was a killer and his son was a criminal because of him." Nathan clenched his fist in anger.

I took his fist in my hand and opened it slowly, before placing my own hand in his. He looked down at me, his eyes softening.

"I hadn't meant to tell him everything, but it all just flew out of my mouth. I told him about you, too. So once I had finished, he was in tears. It took awhile for him to get it together, but when he did, he sounded like the old dad I had. He was concerned and would not stop apologizing. I even considered hanging up at one point because he wouldn't shut up. But then I asked him why he'd left. He told me everything. My mother had been cheating on my dad, and he had found out. At first, I didn't believe him, but then pieced together the puzzle and realized it was true. All the times she left the house and came back late, saying she got caught up in work. When she'd discreetly sneak out to talk on the phone. She was cheating on my father, and no one knew it.

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