Chapter Seven

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Madelyn was stood in the kitchen, cleaning up without using magic. Which was something she loathed doing, but Molly would always tell her the importance of not using magic for every little thing. Fred and George love using their magic for everything, and yes. Fred Weasley is alive, he was pushed out of the way by Madelyn. Which in return she almost died, and Fred broke his leg. Damon came in with another cup to wash up. Maddie kept her eyes to the ground. She didn't want to get lost in those gorgeous blue eyes. "You know you are allowed to look at me," He said with mild hurt in his voice. She still didn't look up, "What did i do to make you hate me?"

"Hate you? Damon i am so attracted to you it hurts to stay away but i do not want to come between you and Stefan its not right," She said in a sad voice. 

"Then have both of us, you wont come between us. We both want you, and we are willing to share," He stated, Madelyn looked up at him in complete shock. "Seriously?" She asked with tears in her eyes. Damon reached up and caressed her cheek, he gently leaned down and delicately placed his lips on hers. 


Madelyn had spent the night alone, wanting to clear her head. Though she was happy. If the brothers were willing to share she was happy. She wanted both of them more than she has wanted anything in her entire life. Clad in her Cheer uniform she met Stefan in the school yard. "God you look good," Stefan practically groaned as he looked her over, Maddie could say the exact same thing. 

"Damon last night told me you're both willing to share me, is that true?" Maddie prayed it was, she wasn't going to be able to stay away from Damon now. Stefan nodded with a small smile on his face as he watch her fiddle with her fingers nervously. She smiled brightly, and kissed her hard on the mouth. Both of their bodies ignite in sparks as she wrapped her arms around his neck and he pulled her waist closer. Elena gilbert watched them from across the yard with a glare on her pretty face. She watched as Stefan placed a necklace around her sisters neck. It should be her, all throughout their lives people prefered Elena, and Stefan should too. 


"Wait, wait, wait, Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Wait. Let's be honest here. In the past, we used to let other teams come into our town and roll right over us! But that is about to change. We've got some great new talent tonight starting on the offensive line, and I'm gonna tell you right now, it has been a long time since I have seen a kid like this with hands like these," Tanner shouted into the microphone. Stefan winked at Maddie at the mention of his hands, She giggled at him. Causing him to smile brightly at her. Tyler, Matt and Elena all glared at the two. "That have been waiting for us to put a check in the win column, I have only one thing to say to you... Your Timberwolves are hungry." 

Behind them Madelyn heard a commotion and saw her little brother being punched. Everyone began to surround them as she rushed to break up the fight. She pulled on Tylers arm, calling for him to stop when his elbow made contact with her face sending her flying to the ground. Stefan saw red, and it took everything in him to not kill the lockwood boy. Jeremy, using Tyler's distraction, punched him to the ground. And picked up some smashed glass. Stefan grabbed Tyler's arm and pulled him off the boy, Tyler punch him in the abs but it did nothing. Then Jeremy stabbed Stefan in the hand. "Oh my god!" Maddie shouted as she stood from the ground, cuts littered her leg as she landed in the glass. Her brother sent her an apologetic look as she limped over to Stefan to check his hand which he showed her was already healed.

A small bruise was already forming under Maddies eye, causing stefan to gently kiss it in concern. She had barely felt the pain, after being tortured multiple times. "Oh my god your hand," Elena said coming over to them, ignoring her sister obviously worse injuries. "No, its fine." Stefan said, placing his 'good' hand on Maddie's waist. "Is it deep? How bad is it? Come on!" 

She grabbed Stefans hand to see it completely fine. "Babe, can we go. I need to get cleaned up before the game," Maddie said. Drawing Elena's attention to her leg.

"I hope you aren't planning on cheering with that leg?" Elena scolded. 

"Trust me Elena, I've done more with worse injuries. Besides, i honestely can't feel it." She said, and with that she pulled Stefan away. Who also didn't want his girlfriend to cheer. 

She took him into the girls bathroom where he helped clean her wounds. "You know i can heal you right?" He said, after she refused to let him.

"I know but everyone saw my leg, it would bring us unwanted attention. Does my blood not bother you?" She asked him.

"Honestly no, i have always had a problem with blood lust. I am ripper. I can't stop but due to us being mates, i honestly dont want to try as i dont want to hurt you."

Maddie then remembered something she read in the school library, about Wizarding blood completely changing blood lust for vampires and causing them to be able to be around people with extreme wounds. That they could even become doctors and not notice the affects of blood lust. "Why don't you drink from me?" Maddie started. Stefan immediately protested but Maddie continued, "Wizard blood cures you of Blood lust, not forever but you could take it each day and not want to go all ripper, plus its stronger then animal blood or blood bags," She said, Stefan looked at her, wanting nothing more than being able to controll himself so his vampire face grew. She moved her neck to one side and gasped as he took a bite. A deep moan quickly followed. She had expected it to hurt but it felt more pleasurable then anything she had ever felt before. Stefan had to contain himself from taking her right then and there after she moaned like that. He took a couple of mouthfuls and pulled back. Surprising himself, for the first time in ever he felt completely full and satifised. Maddie's face was one of complete lust as she kissed him deeply. After a couple minuetes of intense making out she realised the game was due to start. 

"Quick! Caroline will kill me if i am late!" She shouted as she pulled him outside, giving him a small kiss she got on with cheering. 

{Damon does not go to the game as he wants the two to have their own thing together. so he doesn't try and compel Elena to kiss him. Tanner is killed by an unknown vampire, and stefan and damon are worried.}

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