Chapter Ten

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The forty minutes were up, and Stefan had finished up the dinner, making sure to add all the trimmings

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The forty minutes were up, and Stefan had finished up the dinner, making sure to add all the trimmings. As an American Stefan had never had a Yorkshire pudding but was excited to try one.

Madelyn salivated at the sight. Roasted chicken with roasted potatoes, parsnips, cauliflower cheese, cabbage, brushless and broccoli with Yorkshire puddings. Damon had gone so far as preparing homemade mint sauce, Maddies favourite. "Oh my god, how did you know all my favourites?"

Damon smirked, "Well, that's for me to know and you to dot dot dot."

"The first time I had a roast like this was at the burrow. I'd helped make it," maddie laughed, "Well I say helped but George covered me in Yorkshire batter. Molly screamed at him for at least 20 minutes and when  he told her I started it she whacked him with a towel for blaming the guest," maddie explained a smile on her face. "I miss seeing Fred and George everyday," she said with a small sad smile.

Damon leaned over and placed a light hand on hers. Their connection sending a warmth through both parties. She smiled greatfully at him and shook her head, she made a note to see the twins and her brother soon. "Anyway, this is one of the best roasts i've ever eaten. But if Molly asks i never said that!"


The next day Stefan and Maddie had to join in on the sexy suds car wash, much to Stefan and Damon's displeasure as neither wanted anyone to see their mate in a bikini. The two walked over to Elena, who puts on her best nice girl flirty smile and greets the two. Well, greets Stefan. "Uh, the event is called Sexy Suds, you know?" Caroline said with a smirk to the three before walking away. Winking at Maddie as she left. 

"Did we just get scolded?" Stefan asked the two sisters. 

Elena laughed lightly, Trying to give Stefan a romantic look, " And judged, yeah."

"Wow," Maddie replied trying not to act jealous or possesive. 

"I'm sorry, but i guess you're gonna have to take that off," Elena flirted and went to reach for stefan's hoodie before Maddie stepped in. 

"Elena, I think Stefan can handle that himself thank you very much, or i can do it for him. Back off, please," Maddie snapped. Pulling Stefan away from the her bitch of a sister. 

She reached up and slowly pulled Stefan's zipped down, causing the man to swallow in gently, and pulled off his hoodie. Followed shortly by his top, it took everything in her to stop staring and take off her own clothes. To which Stefan had to reign himself in from putting his jumper over her. He gave her a light kiss. 

"Get to work you two!" Caroline shouted at them, causing them to laugh and start working on a car. 

"You look good with your top off Mr Salvatore," Maddie flirted only to be interrupted when Elena started washing the car too, asking about Stefan's daylight ring. 

"it's the family crest. It's from the Italian renaissance," Stefan explained with a tight smile toward Elena. 

"Oh so that's why you and Damon are so hot, you're italian," Maddie teased the man. 

Elena was weirded out by the fact that Maddie had just openly called her boyfriends older brother hot in front of him and thought that Stefan would be uncomfortable. But was proved wrong when he laughed, "Quiet you." Splashing the girl with some soapy water. 

To take the attention off Madelyn Elena picked up Stefans hand, "Huh. What's the stone?" 

"It's called lapis lazuli," Stefan replied in the most awkward manner Madelyn had ever seen. Taking his hand away from Elena. 

"I know that stone!" Maddie giggled, masking her jealousy and anger toward Elena.

"You do?" Elena pressed wanting to know more. 

"It's the one you use to enchant shit in minecraft," She said with a fake proud voice. Stefan went over to the girl, picking her up off the ground and away from Elena. Eliciting a loud laugh from her. And leaving Elena to finish the car herself. 

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