Chapter Fourteen - Rose's Prophecy

Start from the beginning

"And you think I do?" she retorted.

Tom smirked and slowly stepped towards her and started walking in circles around her.

"You turned down the position of Prefect, need I remind you," he said snidely. "You have outstanding grades and leadership capabilities, but you hide from them in the hopes someone else takes the spotlight. I've told you before, Rose, you are destined for greatness even if you are too blind to see it for yourself."

Rose knew there was no sense in arguing with Riddle. Every argument they ever had, never ended in her favor. She sighed deeply as Tom smiled, realizing he had convinced her.

"So," continued Tom as he stepped away from her, but still maintaining eye contact, "your next task will take place during our next meeting. I have a few more recruits that Malfoy deems worthy of the Knights, and I want you to be the one to initiate them as official members."

Rose was confused for a moment, but then her thoughts cleared when she realized what Tom was truly asking her to do.

"You – you want me to give them..." her voice trailed off as she brushed her fingertips over her tattoo.

Tom did not reply. He merely nodded.

"But – Tom, I couldn't possibly... I can't handle - "

"You can and you will," he interjected. "You've seen me do it to every single member. You know the pain that comes with it. You can do it, and do not tell me you can't because it is a lie."

Panic was now rising in her chest. She could barely watch Tom give out these marks, how did he expect her to do it herself? She was not strong enough, not sadistic enough to inflict that much pain upon another person.

"Please, Tom..." she begged, her lips quivering as she tried to hold back tears. "Please, I will do anything else you ask but I can't do this. I can't mark people with these... dark markings..."

These Dark Marks.

"You can do it, and you will do it," he said simply. "You will be expected to do it once I'm gone, so I need to watch you do it now."

Rose let a tear slip from her cheek but she quickly brushed it away. She hated crying in front of Tom. She hated appearing weak in front of him. She sulked over to the couch and sunk down into it, trying to comprehend her thoughts and her next task.

Tom watched as she sulked over to the couch. He couldn't understand why she constantly lied to herself about her powers and her strength. He could feel the power vibrating in the air between them. Every time they are in close proximity, there's no doubt in his mind that they were the most powerful beings in the world. He could take over the world with Rose by his side; there was no doubt in his mind about that. But, her constant doubt and modesty was a sign of weakness, which did not sit well with him.

Tom walked slowly towards her and was about to speak, when Rose unexpectedly fell back against the couch and her eyes rolled back into her head. Tom panicked slightly, thinking she was having some sort of fit, but couldn't pull his eyes away from her as her body began twitching.

"Rose?" he called out, trying to bring her back. It wasn't until she started speaking in a raspy unrecognizable voice that he realized what was happening. Rose was predicting a prophecy.

"The war on Muggles will end when the most powerful Dark Wizard in the world falls from power. A legendary duel will be his downfall as friends turn to enemies. The world will not be rid of evil until the Deathly Hallows are destroyed. Those who seek power will wait for their new master in hidden corners of the world. Only once their new master calls will they come out from the shadows. Death and destruction awaits..."

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