Chapter 2: Connected

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You quickly woke up, sitting up and looking wasn't a bad dream, you really were in Hell, filled with demons who would gladly kill you. You held your head in your hands, struggling to hold back tears, you had everything, and in one hour, it was gone. Fizzarolli wasn't here, so you let it out, allowing your F/C tears to fall between your hands and onto the wooden floor.

"Geez, I was coming in here to wake you up."

The door to the dressing room creaked open, Fizzarolli was standing there, his smile wasn't there, although you kind of wished it was, he seemed to radiate chaotic energy, which brightened you up.

"I'm's...everything." you quickly wiped your tears, one fell into the ground, a small design popped up above it, then disappeared.

"Wow, how magical are you?"

You clapped both your hands together, when you moved them apart, a F/C arrow appeared, you used the tip of the arrow to slice off the bandages on your wings, allowing you to spread them open, flexing them a little bit.

"Arrows, and their heart shaped? Your a cupid angel, aren't you? I thought they only existed in holiday tales." He grabbed the arrow, looking it up and down.

"Hey!" You snatched it away from him, making it vanish "Be careful with it, it's not any arrow, it's a love arrow, makes you fall in love with whoever else I shoot."

"Really? That's actually how it works?"

"Yes." You replied, he smiled widely again.

"Come on, I have to show you what you're helping me with." He grabbed something out of one of the drawers, then left the room, expecting you to follow him.

Fizzarolli hummed quietly as he led you to the front stage, it was a little more worked on then the last time you saw it, curtains were hung up, two performer rings were hung from the ceiling.

Fizzarolli leaped up gracefully, grabbing one of the rings, he spun around on it, then let go, using his legs to catch the ring again, he laughed happily...not his usual menacing giggle or laugh...a genuine laugh. He enjoyed acrobatics, that was nice to know. He spun around to face you, holding out his hands..

"Come on, join me."

"I don't wings might get in the way...and I'm not very...good at this."

"Please? I'll help you! It's fun once you get the hang of it." He stretched his arms out, holding out his hands out for you.

You hesitated for a second, then reached both your hands up, grabbing his hands, something shocked both of you, pulling back, Fizzarolli manged to stay on the ring.

"What was that?" You both said at the same time, both of you having surprised faces afterward.

"That wasn't you?" You said, looking over your hand.

"No, you didn't do that?" Fizzarolli looked over his hands.

"Woah, my hands feel fine now." You said, Fizzarolli nodded.

"Maybe it was nothing, come on." He held out his hands again, and you slowly grabbed them, holding them for a little while to make sure you both didn't get shocked again.

Fizzarolli lifted you up, tossing you into the air, you screamed a little bit, then hands wrapped around your waist, pulling you onto the ring.

"See? It's fine." Fizzarolli laughed again, he sat up on the ring, spinning it around. "See if you can jump to the other ring."

"I don't think I can, what if I miss?"

"You have wings, try not to use them, but if you're going to fall, just glide down."

Fizzarolli x Reader: Two Red Strings [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now