chapter 1

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I felt like I was floating. I couldn't open my eyes so there was only darkness to be seen. There was this pressure, that was squeezing my body. It felt like I was apparating, only this time the pressure was constant and it felt like it was slowly getting heavier. If this was death then I preferred it over life. One was quiet and calm, when the other was full of pain and sorrow.  Suddenly the pressure got stronger until I felt like I was just a speck of dust. And then it was all gone.

I opened my eyes still in the common room, but it was very obvious that there was something wrong. Everything had this blue tint to it, almost like there was a mist surrounding me, that was making everything blurry. Like the veil in the department of mysteries had been cast over this whole room. I got up from the chair and walked up to the window but couldn't see anything. No stars, no silhuettes only black. Like nothing existed outside of this room. I turned around and went to walk out of the common room when I saw something. Sitting in the chair that I had previously occupied was a dark figure. On closer inspection I noticed that it was me. My head still laid back and eyes closed. I went to take a closer look when a voice called out behind me and I spun around to see where it came from.

"Welcome child"

The figure looked like a dementor in some ways. Only difference was that the cloak wasn't ripped and from the sleeve came a pale almost white hand holding onto a black staff that seemed to have been carved out of black wood. Another thing that was missing was the cold depressing aura that dementors brought with them. You couldn't decipher from the voice whether it was a man or a woman. It was raspy in a way and left an echo to bounce around the room when they spoke.

I wasn't afraid. After everything that occurred in my life, this was the least intimidating out of all of them. Besides the figure didn't seem hostile. At least not yet.

"Do not worry yourself child, I am not here to cause you harm. In fact I am here to aid you."

"Aid me with what?"

"With your choice of course."

"My choice? Your death aren't you? And why do I get  a choice I thought that this time I would just pass on and join the others."

"Indeed I am child and usually that would be the case. However this is different. I have been keeping an eye on you for many years, since you first entered my realm as an infant. My sisters have given you a hard life and as my master I can offer you a choice. Normally death doesn't discriminate between saints and sinners, children and adults. You all get one chance in life and choose what you do with it. But as I have chosen you as my master you unfortunately cannot pass on yet. You can travel between worlds, but as you're not technically dead, you can't enter the afterlife permanently. I am sure you have heard the legend of the deathly hallows. The only misconception is that you can't become the master of death without me accepting you. Too many have seeked to be my master only for the power over others. You have escaped my grasp many times over the years and I have grown fond of you."

"So what choice do I have then if I can't join my parents and the others? I'm so tired of being the boy-who-lived. Haven't I given enough?"

"I know you have led a hard life and so I'm offering to take you to another world. You will have the chance of leading a better life. And do not worry for your family as they are all happy for you. They know how many hardships you've suffered and wish for you to take this chance."

"They're happy for me?" Even though I wanted to join my family I had been so scared that they would be mad at me for causing their deaths. Knowing that they didn't blame me was a huge relief, but it still felt slightly unbelievable. Even with the confirmation from my parents, Padfoot and Remus earlier in the battle." Where would I be going?"

"Of course they are child. The grief of this world has left them and they are happy and so they wish for you to be happy as well. The world you would be going to is very different from this one. Magic plays a very important part there and all are aware of its existence. There are many beings other than men, elves and dwarves for instance. There are also many things to be avoided. The goblins of this realm are not wise, more so vicious creatures that cannot think for themselves. And there are not as many Istari, only five for now and you will become the sixth."


"They are not the same as your house elves. They are known for their wisdom and are near immortal. They do not die of old age and are thousands of years old. Should you choose to go to this world you will become an elfling. Elflings are very precious to their kin and any that are born are cherished by all. As the elves live so long, having children is very rare for them.
In addition you will also receive a some of my power. To me it is an insignificant amount, but once you learn to control it, you will be the most powerfull wizard in Middle earth."

"Alright I accept."

" Very good. I will leave some items with you that I feel you might need. I wish you good luck and should you ever need me, I am only a call away."

The edges of my vision were getting darker, my hearing dulling and I began to feel like I was floating again. Just when I felt like I was going to blackout, I heard him- because without realising I had started calling death 'him' in my head- start speaking once more.

"You will remain your current age, but to the elves you will be a mere todler."

And then he was gone.


I tried to make deaths way of speech seem more old fashioned.

Next chapter Harry will finally have arrived in middle earth.

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