Chapter seven - who are you?

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Abigail POV

"Beep!" "Beep!" Beep!" A sound of machine wakes me up from my deep chamber.

I began to move my body but it seem it betrayed me since I can't single muscles. I try to open my eyes but it's so heavy that can't open it.

What happened to me? I asked myself trying to assist my myself.

"Beep!" Beep!" "Beep!" Urg that annoying sound again. I forcefully try to wiggle my fingers and thank God I succeeded wiggle one single of me. At least !

"Nurse she's moving!" A unfamiliar voice I heard just right close to me I guess.

"Will call the doctor to come over. He will be here in a minute!" Other person said that I presume the nurse that the stranger called out.

Minutes later...

"How is she? " Once again another voice I heard.

"She's moving her finger just now!" The stranger answer.

"Ok I will check!" Then I feel he's doing something on me.

"She's gaining her consciousness back!" A voice said that I presume the doctor.

I wiggle once again and force to open my eyes. This time thank God it listen to me. Once I successfully open my eyes, a bright light from the sight almost blinded me and I close my eyes once again.

"Ok don't push yourself, you can do this!" I heard the doctor said to me.

I open once again and I meet two set of eyes looking at me. They are both stranger to me. Then again I try to think but nothing came upon me.

"You ok? What are you feeling?" The doctor asked me.

"I..!" I said but couldn't start a word since my throat hurts. Thank God the stranger hand me a glass of water and help me to drink it by putting straw in the glass.

"I don't feel good!" I said to them as I finished my water.

"Yes you are! Do you remember what happened back there?" The doctor asked me and I slowly thinking but no! Their is no single memory I can think of. Strange!

I shake my head in response and he looks at the guy on the other side who help me drink water awhile ago.

"Who are you?" The doctor asked me once again but then again I don't knew. Then for a moment something came off and I answer.

"Abe! That's all I can remember!" I told them honestly.

"Well then Abe, you got hit by a car and that's lead you here in the hospital. Your boyfriend here, the one taking care of you!" He said to me and point to the guy next to me

"Boyfriend??" I asked him. Strange! I don't remember at all.

"Yes you don't remember me?" The guy next to me said.

I look at him and I noticed how good looking he is. Wow! I think it's good for me to do that. Fucos! I mentally scolded myself.

"It's ok you don't have to remember anything yet! I am here to help you!" He said to me while holding my hand but I swatted it immediately since he's stranger to me. I feel strange and I can't help my feel scared.

"Ok sorry for that!" Said the guy as he put his hands up like he's surrending. Still confused looking at him.

"It's ok Mr. Hudson, I think she suffer amnesia from the accident. Let's take her slowly and don't force her!" The doctor said. " By the I am your doctor. My name is Evan Martin!" He said to me.

"Aside from your memory, your physical body is ok now though you still feel pain all over your body now. Please do have rest and try to not to think for now. Your memory will be back!" The doctor said and exited the door of my room. The guy next to me follow the doctor outside leaving me alone for a moment.

I look at the surrounding and I presume I am in the VIP room since it's so spacious and everything looks expensive.

A door cream open and I saw the guy entering the room once again. He looks at me and I feel something different in me and I try to shake it off.

"Who are you?" I asked bravely to him still staring at him too.

"I'm Gabriel Hudson, your boyfriend!" He said smiling cutely to me and that makes me raise my brow to him

"Your my boyfriend? By the way where are my parents?" I asked him

"Do you remember them?" He asked me

"Nope! But even so I can't remember anything it's strange waking up with no parents by your side.!" I answered him all honesty.

"You must have been forgot it too. Your parents died one year ago from an accident!" I look at him shocked

"What? So I don't have any family members left?" I asked him making sure.

"The only family you have left is me. Your an only child. I'm sorry but I don't knew about your other relatives!" He said to me still looking at me.

"Are you sure?" I asked him

"Hmm!" He him in response "don't worry I will take care of you!" He said then a smile form in his face.

"I don't know but I can't remember you! How will you help me? " I asked him

"It's ok! No need to force yourself that's the doctor advised right? So let's just begin to know each other once again I guess!" He said.

"Is it ok to you? !" I asked him and he throws a confused look at me. "I mean is it ok to you to take care of me? When it's not your obligation to take care of me! Your not my family!" I said to him.

"Hey hey! Don't say that! " I carefully took my hand. This time I didn't protest and juts look at him. " I am your family, back then I was planning proposing to you then you got accident, so literally we are family. Your my responsibility since I am your almost fiance! " He told me smiling. Can't help staring at him.

"Thank you!" I said honestly and I slowly prying my hands away from him but instead he tug it and bring it to his lips and simply put a small kiss in my knuckles sending a few bolt in my system.

Oh my! How am I supposed to do? Do I really believe him? Can I? I asked myself.

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