Chapter eight - Act

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Gabriel POV

I know it's wrong to deceive someone especially someone as helpless and fragile as her. But I can't help though. I must be crazy or something but I don't regret at all. I get a chance to get close to her.

Yes her!

Abe she said that's her name.

The moment she open her eyes I know and I confirm to myself that I am in love with her. Yes! I know it's impossible but do you heard the saying " love at first sight!" Yes that's what I feeling at the moment.

When she first open her eyes that emerald eyes shown confused and scared look is something I can't take my eyes off. Her hair perfectly falls on her side and Goodness the sight of her makes my heart fall for a second back there.

She's a epitome of beauty. Even without make up she's natural beauty. I can't help to admire it.

I knocked on her door and I open it slowly entering her room. Once she saw me, she began to sit and I went immediately to her side to assist but she shake her head.

"I'm ok!" She said shyly.

"Are you hungry? I bought a lot of food. Chinese, Korean , pizza and burgers? You choose!" I asked her as I put the food in the table.

"Oh I am hungry but that's too much!" She said while she giggled slightly.

"Believe me babe, you need this so you will have a strength! So what do you like?" I asked once again.

"Can I take the Korean? It looks yummy!" She said and I smile to her.

"Of course babe anything for you!" I told her. "Want me to feed you?" I asked her as I give her the food but she just shake her head.

"Thanks I don't think I need to burden you more! You been helping me ever since and I can't thank you enough!" She told me and I can't help my smile.

"If only you knew the truth!" I said to myself.

"Don't you dare! Your not a burden to me. How many times do I need to tell you that!" I scolded her.

"But !..." I cut her off before she could utter useless word

"No buts! The end !" I said firmly.

"Thank you!" She said and boy she smiled to me. A kind of smile that cans swift of my feet and I think I hear my heart beat to loud again. Dang! I am in serious trouble.

I stole a quick kiss on her cheeks making her blushed and she looks so adorable and cute.

Then she began to eat, I assume she love the food so much that she moan out while munching every spoon she feed herself.

"Hmm where do I live?" She asked me out of the blue.

"Oh that! For now I want you to live with me since your still not ok. I will n..!" Then she cut me off

"No no! I can't do that! I will stay on my own place. I already told you I am not going to burden you more!" She exclaimed.

"How many times do I need to tell you that you are not a burden to me. Look babe I can't risk you living alone in a place while away from me. What if something happens to you?" I explained to her.

I began to hold her hand and squeeze her hand softly.

"Please babe!" I told her as I stated into her pretty eyes.

"Isn't it too much for you? I mean you been helping me since day one I think. I been taking your time to much. Please just let me stay in my place. I promise I will call you from time to time!" She said to me making me more agigated.

"I said your not burden! Even calling me from time to time would not make me feel safe. Please why are hesitating to live with me?" I asked her.

"But your a man and I am woman. I think it's not right. Even you are my boyfriend it's still not right!" Oh I get why. She doesn't want to live with me because of that kind of shit.

"Babe look I don't care what other people say. You are my girlfriend and you are my responsibility. If it's not right for you then how about we get married after you out in the hospital!" Making her eyes go wide

"Oh no! Not that! I don't want to marry yet" she said which makes my heart silently break into pieces.

"Babe don't you want to be with me? I mean we've been dating for almost one year. I want to make you my wife please?" I cupped her face to make sure she's going to stared at me.

"It's not like that! I am still not ok. Do you want to marry someone who did not remember you any single memory of us? It's unfair to you!" She told me.

"Fine! But your living with me. End of the discussion!" I told her.


"No! Your living with me. Please babe!" I convinced her more.

"Fine! " Making me happy for a moment there. I can't help to give her a shower of kisses on her face.

"I love you so much!" I told her making her more blushed.

"But I can have my own room?" She asked me again.

"Sure babe!" I can give her one room in my house though I want her in my bedroom but still I can't force her. The important thing is that she agreed in staying with me and that's enough for me.

After that conversation, we've been talking a lot other stuff while looking at her, admiring how beautiful she is which she seem to be oblivious.

During the time she's staying with me I am planning to make a move on her. I want her to fall for me so she will never leave me even she will remember everything. I hope it will not backfire cause I really want to work this out.

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