Chapter thirty five - My boyfriend

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Abigail POV

"Mom I swear, I am ok!" I said assuring her.

"Why didn't you return all my call missy? You made me worried!" She said dramatically

"I know I'm sorry about that!"

"Come home you sister throwing a baby shower. Can you at least congrats her!" My mom said over the line.

"Mom I know ok? I am going to send gift and I will call her. No need to go there!" I said to her.

"Don't you dare! You been absent for a quite years in the family. Just come home once " she said to me. I know I'm stressing my mom I can't help it.

"Mom you know how I felt being there! It's like we're not family at all. Who wants to come home when you knew all of it is a lie? " I can help to be honest with her.

I may sound hard and bitchy but over the years I been in the family I just hate how much they treated each other my mom and dad. My dad whose partly at home whose busy having time with his secretary and my mom just shrugged about it. What worse is that they work at the same office since my family own a big law firm.

Both my mom and dad came from family of lawyer. Their parents decided to arrange marriage them making the process worse. My mom got two child in marriage making me and sister in the picture. But it's sad, you come home alone and when they're in house they keep fighting. I hate it. That's why I grown to hate relationship. For me it suck!

"Honey please! Just come home! When will you stop your rebel? And be back home and manage the business!" She said to me making eyes rolled

"Mom I am not going to manage that shitty business!" I can't help but to yelled

"Don't give me that tone you young lady! It's your responsibility as oldest to take the business!" She said quite reminding the shitty life I have.

"Mom! I am happy here! I am making my own money here. I don't want to go back there ok. Don't force me mom!" I said to her not wanting to argue anymore.

"Yes you are! One day you will going to inherit all this!" She said and I hate it.

"Mom what do you want me to do? Manage that business? When all I can see and think just how lying, cheating bastard my father is? How did he cheat on you on his own office with his secretary? Mom I can't stomach it! I would never want to go back there!" I said to her because I am running out of patience now.

"Honey! At least do something in this" she asked me.

"Mom you already married my sister to a lawyer. Why don't you just give them all the shares and management of the company. I am happy here!" I said.

"Modeling is not a lifetime career you know that!" She said

"Yeah yeah! I know it's not lifetime mom. But at least I will save money and do something in the future that I love rather than taking that business!" I said to her.

"How about your degree?" She asked me again

"Don't remind me of that mom! I know I am a lawyer! I just don't want to be one!" I said

"Let's just talk about it when you come home! You dad have a news for you!" She said and I winced



"Bad news isn't?" I asked her

"Yeah! Just come home" she said and boy I know it's a problem

"What is it mom." I asked her

"His best friend offer him partnership and of course!"

"Yeah of course same thing he do to my sister. No way mom! I won't marry anyone!" I said to her.

"That's what I said to him last night! But he never listen!" She told me. What's new when was my dad ever listen to us.

"You come back home and bring a boyfriend. That might change his mind for a moment!" She said and I can't help but to think about the moron inside my house right now.

"Yeah I'll bring one!" I said to her making her squill

"Really? You have a boyfriend?" She said in relief.

"Yup! I have at least!" I told her making her laughed.

"You don't know how happy I am honey! You grown to hate less the men population now?" She asked me.

"I still hate men mom. But I have such annoying and hard headed boyfriend so yeah ! Even if his included, he wouldn't budge!" I told her.

"Oh meaning he is sweet to you honey!" My mom said and I rolled my eyes. I look into my side I didn't notice Gabe whose now sitting beside me.

"Mom got to go ok? I'll txt you if I'm going there!" I told her .

"I love you sweetheart! I'm happy that you found someone you love now! " And I mentally scolded. Why did I told her of me having boyfriend. She will definitely won't shout about it.

"Love you too Mom!' then I hang up.

I look at the guy beside me. He looks at me like he did nothing wrong.

"Care to explain why your ealve dropping me?" I asked him

"I'm not babe!" He said but he's eyes tells the underside.

"Yeah right!" I said sarcastic

I stood up and took out my suitcase. I'll be ok! Thank goodness I was able to remember everything except the part of me being kidnap by that creepy guy. I still can't remember his face. I don't why and I keep dreaming it every night.

"What's that's for?" Gabe said as he eyed me pulling me suitcase.

"I'm going home!" I said then open my closet.

"Wait your going home? What about me?" He asked me

"What about you?" I asked him back.

"I mean I want to come with you!" He said I look at him in confusion.

"What for?"

"I overheard your conversation and your mom wants to meet your boyfriend right? And that's me!" He said. I decide to tease a little more since he didn't admit the part of ealve dropping and now he's saying that he over heard.

"Nope!" I said then took out my clothes in the closet and arrange it inside my suitcase.

As expected he blocked me and took the suitcase in his hand.

"Seriously?" I asked him while I put my hands on my hips.

"Take me with you!" He said pleading

"Hmm.. I really want to take you but since your acting like a child now I guess I have to change my mind!" I playfully argue him.

"No you can't change your mind!" He said and I giggled.

"Fine get ready then!" I told him.

"Yes yes! Hmm babe what does your mom, dad and sister like?" He asked me while his scratching the back of his neck .


"I just want to give then present!" He said

"No present! We are going to attend baby shower for my sister. She's having her first baby. " I said to him

"Great! Then I'll give her presents then!" He said and I shake my head.

"I already have something in my mind. Don't stress out! I texted Candice to wrap some gift for my niece " I said to him

"No.. I'll prepare something too!"

"Fine but don't give extravagant things. I don't want them to know that I have a billionaire boyfriend!" I said .

"Are you not proud of me babe!" He pouted

"Huh it's your money not mine! " I scowled at him.

"What are you talking about! When we're getting married, my money will be your too! Even now we're not I will give anything to you, just ask and I will give it"

" Hahahaha not a fat chance. Your already giving me too much"

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