Werewolf: backstory and curses

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The werewolf is a mythological animal and the subject of many stories throughout the world—and more than a few nightmares. Werewolves are, according to some legends, people who morph into vicious, powerful wolves. Others are a mutant combination of human and wolf. But all are bloodthirsty beasts who cannot control their lust for killing people and animals. Some legends maintain werewolves shape-shifted at will due to a curse. Others state they transformed with the help of an enchanted sash or a cloak made of wolf pelt. Still others claim people became wolves after being scratched or bit by a werewolf. In many werewolf stories, a person only turns into a wolf when there's a full moon—and that theory may not be far-fetched. According to a study conducted at Australia's Calvary Mater Newcastle hospital, a full moon brings out the "beast" in many humans. The study found that of the 91 violent, acute behavior incidents at the hospital between August 2008 and July 2009, 23 percent happened during a full moon. Patients attacked staff and displayed wolf-like behaviors such as biting, spitting and scratching. Although many were under the influence of drugs or alcohol at the time, it's unclear why they became intensely violent when the moon was full.The werewolf phenomenon may have a medical explanation. Take Peter the Wild Boy, for instance. In 1725, he was found wandering naked on all fours through a German forest. Many thought he was a werewolf or at least raised by wolves. Peter ate with his hands and couldn't speak. He was eventually adopted by the courts of King George I and King George II, and lived out his days as their "pet" in England. Research has shown Peter likely had Pitt-Hopkins syndrome, a condition discovered in 1978 that causes lack of speech, seizures, distinct facial features, difficulty breathing and intellectual challenges. Other medical conditions that may have encouraged werewolf-mania throughout history are:

-lycanthropy (a rare, psychological condition that causes people to believe they're changing into a wolf or other animal)

-food poisoning

-hypertrichosis (a rare, genetic disorder causing excessive hair growth)


-hallucination, possibly caused by hallucinogenic herbs

Throughout the centuries, people have used werewolves and other mythic beasts to explain the unexplainable. In modern times, however, most believe werewolves are nothing more than pop culture horror icons, made famous thanks to Hollywood's 1941 flick, The Wolf Man.

¨Even a man who is pure of heart

And says his prayers by night

May become a wolf when the wolfbane blooms

And the autumn moon is bright.¨ -Maleva (The Wolf Man)

They are able to, through means of dark magic or a curse (usually during a full moon), unwillingly transform/morph/change themselves into fearsome, horrifying, and extremely hostile wolf creatures during full moons, shifting between human and wolf form. It has been stated that werewolves and skinwalkers are cousins. There is no known cure for lycanthropy. Werewolves are extremely savage and powerful. According to legend, it cannot abide by the scent of wolfsbane (aconite), and can only be killed by cutting off the head, and burning the body to ashes. One may become a Werewolf by being bitten, a pact with the Devil, a curse, drinking water from a wolf's paw print, and other ways. Even in their human form, all werewolves do possess superhuman physical prowess. Werewolves are the most dangerous enemies of vampires because a bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire. Werewolves are designed to kill vampires on sight in their wolf form. Though they still hunt human prey when there are no vampires to kill. Werewolves appear to be a natural occurrence. The werewolf gene is passed from parent to child. At least one parent must have the werewolf gene, triggered or untriggered. There are no known cases of a person becoming a werewolf from a bite. Werewolves have been around since what he calls the "beginning," which could be referring to the beginning of the werewolf race. Not much is known about the history of werewolves, except that they existed just as long as vampires, who were known to be created 10,000 years ago.

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