We're going to a theme Park 😆 (part 2)

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"Hey guys "Ivy said.

"OMG hey gurl"Berry said.

"Leif wanted to come over here because there was cotton candy"Ivy said shaking her head.

"Yeah so get me some"Leif said demanding for some.

"So he's your boyfriend? "Moon asked smug.

"Uh...um....I-i"Ivy stuttered.

"Yeah I am why "Leif said hardly paying attention and eating his cotton candy.

"*gasp*Omg mah girls got boyfriends"Berry and Moon said.

"Yeah I guess so"Ivy answered blushing.

"Um, we're gonna go ok"Lulu said dragging Asch away from the group.

"See ya"Moon said.

"What about we all go to the maze"Berry suggested.

"Um, sure why not"Leif agreed.

"Then let's go "Moon said.

Twenty minutes later

"Wow it looks cool"Ivy said in amazement.

"Yeah it's snow themed, cool"Moon agreed.

With Noi and Avery

"Why did you wanna come to the games?"Avery asked Noi.

"Because Ava said the games are kinda fun"Noi said excited.

"Yeah but they're rigged"Avery said.

"Maybe not all of them are rigged"Noi said trying to convince Avery to agree with him.

".....Fine"Avery said reluctantly.

"YAAY"Noi shouted excitedly.


With Rhys and Harley

"W-why are we h-here Rhys you know I don't like being stuck in mazes"Harley stuttered.

"It's gonna be fine just come on, if we stuck I can use my magic to teleport us out"Rhys said with a promising smile.

"Alright"Harley agreed.

"Great let's go"Rhys said.

They all played games and rode rides all day until nightfall. After everyone met up.

With the group

"Wow, this is beautiful"Everyone said.

"Let's go on!" Avery said excited.

"Yeah let's go, I really want to go on this thing"Ava said happily.

They saw the beautiful view of the entire park and enjoyed it. They went home afterwards to eat real food. And each and everyone one of them slept peacefully that night.😊😊

OMG I'm so sorry that it took so long to post, I kinda forgot about the book for I while but wait till you see what I shall come up with. Trust me you might like it. Peace out Gummybears.

           Author~chan out 😉

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