Chapter Seven

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Omniscient POV:

Nevaeh walked into her house after Toni had just dropped her off

Her and Toni didn't speak about what occurred last night. Toni tried to but Nevaeh was so embarrassed about how her body reacted to Toni.

All she knew was that she needed to speak to her mom ASAP about the whole "sub drop" shit. She'd heard of it but obviously never experienced it.

"Momma! You home?" She called out seeing her little sister Imani running towards her

"Sissy!" She said hugging her

Nevaeh hugged her back before kissing her forehead

"Where mama at?" She asked and Imani shrugged grabbing her pink iPad off the table with a bottle of apple juice

"I don't know girl I'm goin outside tho so see ya lata." She said walking away and out the back door to where her twin brother was

"Mama where you at!?" She yelled once again and her mom finally yelled back

"I'm in my room girl come in." Her mom yelled back and she rolled her eyes she been heard her

Nevaeh walked in her moms room making sure to lock the door.

"Mommy I messed up I think.." Nevaeh said sitting on the edge of her bed her eyes watering

Princess frowned at her daughter pausing her tv so she could listen and hear her out.

"Messed up how? Like criminal wise?" Princess asked and Nevaeh shook her head wiping her eyes blowing out a frustrated breath she couldn't believe she was about to tell her mom that her best friend ate her out and made her go into whatever the hell "sub space" was.

"No mom with Toni. Oh my god this is seriously so embarrassing." She groaned throwing her head back and princess chuckled already seeing where this was going

"Okay so what happened?" Princess asked sitting up

"Okay so we was at her house drinking and shit then they wanted to play dare or drink so we did right?" She asked making sure her mom was following her


"So then boom this girl named Yasmin dared Toni to um give me a mouth shot. Now I agreed to it because I didn't know what it was I thought she would just be pouring liquor into my mouth from the BOTTLE." She said emphasizing the bottle

"Well I was sadly mistaken because next thing I know she spitting fucking Hennessy in my damn mouth. And then she kissed me and mom—this may be to much information but it was so good it felt so right." She said remembering the moment her mom laughing

"But anyways yeah so we went to her room we made out and then she ate me out. But she was so like demanding? I don't know the tone in her voice was so authoritative and I wanted to do anything she told me to do in that moment." She said and her mom nodded she waited to finish until her mom said something

"Well...we are so much alike my daughter it don't make sense but it seems like—okay ian got shit to hide from you it's all over the internet. In BDSM there is Doms and Subs a whole lotta other stuff but that's what we're focusing on. So you know what a Dominant is and what a submissive is right?" Princess asked and she nodded her head

"Yeah I know." She said and Princess chuckled

"It seems like Toni was dominating you. Did it feel like...perfect? Like you were floating away like the only thing you wanted needed was Toni?" Princess asked and Nevaeh nodded her face beating up that she was having this conversation with her mother

"Yes that's what I also wanted to talk to you about. She said that I had sub drop? Because after we were done it felt like all my emotions just came crashing down on me. I felt embarrassed,sad,disgusted with myself I felt like I was literally going through every emotion there was." She said and Princess hummed

"Yeah it definitely sounds like you were and that's a good thing that you can trust her enough to fall into such a vulnerable state with her. Now sub drop is definitely the worse. Did she help you like cuddle you feed you you know just baby you?" Princess asked and she nodded

"Yeah she washed me up gave me some wings and then cuddled me to sleep."

"Okay so she knows what she's doing that's good. But yeah I definitely would say you were in sub space and had sub drop but it sounds like Toni has it all covered so I wouldn't worry to much." Princess said and Nevaeh smiled

"Now are y'all together? Just messing around what's going on?" P asked and Nevaeh sighed because truth was she didn't know

"I don't know. We didn't talk about it this morning I didn't want to I was embarrassed the way that my body reacted to her that way. Like mom I don't see how you have sex it's so awkward afterwards." She sighed and princess threw a pillow at her

"It's only awkward when you make it awkward it's not your fault how your body reacted to her it's normal. But you definitely need to have a conversation with her about what y'all are doing because I would hate to see you guys fall out over something that could've been so easily communicated." Princess said and Nevaeh nodded getting up and hugging her

"I'm gonna call her and we're going to talk I'll let you know what happens." Nevaeh said and princess smiled as she walked out

Nevaeh walked to her porch dialing Toni's number so they could have a conversation she'd been dreading since she opened her eyes this morning.

Sooo how y'all think the convo going to go? Good or bad?

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