Chapter Fifteen

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Omniscient POV:

"I'm so excited bae! But I hope this one doesn't make me cry." Nevaeh said as she popped some pop corn in her mouth her and Toni now at the movies

"Why would you cry? The first one make you cry?" Toni asked In a "are u serious" tone

"Yes it did because them motha fuckas ruined they home! Killed their people! For nothing, just because they were greedy and selfish." Nevaeh said getting mad again but the the movie began to play after all of the commercials

"Alright nie hush." Toni said and Nevaeh rolled her eyes grabbing her hand


"I'm fuckin over it!" Nevaeh yelled wiping her face  as they walked back to the car. Toni could only chuckle at the fact that Nevaeh was once again crying over the movie Avatar.

"Bae you listening to me!?" Nevaeh yelled and Toni nodded

"Yes mama I'm listening I'm just letting you rant though." Toni said and Nevaeh pouted deciding to stop talking now feeling like she's bother Toni by just rambling.

As they began to drive back to Toni's spot Nevaeh began to cry again but this time it was because Toni hadn't said anything to her yet. She felt like Toni was mad at her for rambling on earlier about something that didn't really matter.

The whole car ride Toni stayed silent and Nevaeh did too hiding the fact that tears were sliding down her cheeks

As the stopped at the house Toni parked getting out and walking to the other side of the car and opening Vaehs door only to see her crying.

"Ma? Mama what's wrong?" Toni asked embracing Vaeh

"I'm sorry.." Nevaeh said and Toni looked confused not knowing what there was to be sorry for

"What? What are you sorry for you ain't do nun." Toni reassured and Nevaeh shook her head holding Toni tighter

Toni sighed picking her up and grabbing her purse off of the passenger seat. She shut the door and headed up the stairs to her house

After getting in she walked upstairs laying Nevaeh down.

It was now 11pm and Toni was confused because the two had a good day today. They had some personal time, then they went to lunch and to a park for a picnic and then the movies. So Toni was confused on how Nevaeh got to crying

"U still upset about the movie ma?" She questioned and Nevaeh shook her head wiping her eyes

"No I'm sorry for rambling earli—Girl! I know damn well you don't think I'm mad at you for that." Toni cut her off standing over her now undressed just in boxers and a sports bra

Nevaeh didn't say anything she just looked away

Toni lifted her chin to look at her and pecked her lips. "I could never be upset with you over something as dumb as expressing your feelings mama. I was listening to you ramble I just didn't know what to say really say." She said and Nevaeh nodded

"Ok..I'm sorry I just hate when you're upset or annoyed with me." She sighed laying back and allowing Toni to undress her

This was an every day thing now Everytime it was time for bed or to chill Toni would undress Nevaeh.

Nevaeh hated wearing clothes if she was just chilling she would much rather do it naked. Nevaeh never asked Toni to do it she just did it.

She undressed her and sometimes she would even dress her. She would wash Nevaeh up in the shower she took care of Nevaeh and Nevaeh loved it.

"Thank you." Nevaeh mumbled now beginning to get sleepy

Toni hummed a your welcome and slid her panties off before moving up and removing her bra leaving her completely naked.

Nevaeh sighed in relief now feeling free and her body not feeling suffocated by the clothing.

Toni slid in bed and Nevaeh crawled next to her getting under the covers

"You know I love you so much right?" Toni asked and Nevaeh nodded

"Yes I know I love you more dada." She said and Toni nodded smiling kissing her forehead

"Good." Toni stated with the a small sigh before laying on Nevaeh chest

Toni randomly latched her lips around Nevaehs nipple making her squeal and grab her head but Toni just kept sucking softly

Once Nevaeh was able to ignore the fact that it was making her wet and turning her on she actually began to become relaxed with the way Toni was softly sucking her nipple

Nevaeh hummed as switched to the other one wanting them both to get the same amount of love

She glanced up at Nevaeh to see her staring down back at her with low sleepy eyes and Toni chuckled

Toni softly suckled until Nevaeh fell asleep still rubbing her fingers through Toni's hair

Toni then stopped so she could sleep to and laid back down next to Nevaeh before pulling her on top of her knowing that Nevaeh loved being held first thing in the morning and she didn't wanna get woken up from Nevaeh trying to comfortably sit herself on top of Toni.

Toni looked at her girlfriend and smiled this was all she ever wanted was peace and Nevaeh and now she had it what else could she ask for?

I KNOW I KNOW! Don't yell at me ok... life got serious reallll fast I started working and had to focus more on school to be able to graduate and still saving up for a place and a car! Life had been lifing and I promise I never forgot about you guys I just needed a break to focus on my REAL LIFE.

This chapter is short but I just wanted to get it out there so you guys can know I'm coming back!


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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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