Chapter Nine

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I woke to the sunlight making a very good attempt at trying to fry my eyeballs as it streamed through my open curtains which I had probably forgotten to close last night.

I quickly stumbled out of bed towards my window, yanked the curtains closed and collapsed back into bed. It was Sunday, I was hung-over, so there was no way in hell I was getting up yet.

I searched around my bedside table looking for my phone, knocking over a bunch of shit in the process. I looked at my phone and saw three text messages. And that it was only nine thirty. I groaned and pulled my duvet over my head before reading my texts.

The first one was from Savannah, wondering where I went to last night and if I ever needed to get Kelly out of my system that she was there to help. Ugh. It was even accompanied by a winky face.

The second was from Mitch, just informing me that he wanted his Bring Me the Horizon t shirt back or else. This text made a lot more sense after an inspection of my bedroom floor confirmed that I did indeed have his shirt and I assured him it would be returned in pristine condition.

The third text was from Dylan and my breath caught.

I may have been wasted last night, but no regrets. Just thought I’d let you know. X

Exhale Alec. No regrets. I wave of relief washed over me, and I realised that a part of me had been worrying if Dylan would regret what he said. I guess the real question was whether or not I regret it.

I stand by what I said last night. I’m not gay. I don’t find guys, in general, attractive and I’m still attracted to girls. But for some reason, I find Dylan attractive.  And not just in a ‘yeah he’s hot’ kind of way either. Its stupid things, like the way he jokes around with Mitch, or the way his jaw juts out slightly to the right when he smiles. And the way he is so outspoken, he says what he wants and how he feels despite what anyone thinks...

Jeez, what are you doing to me Dylan?

Same here  x

I replied back to him, biting my lip. When he didn’t reply a few minutes later I started to panic. What if he wanted me to say something else? Should I ask him how he’s feeling-

My teenage girl panic attack was interrupted by my message tone.

Do you want to come over for dinner tonight? X

The panic attack continued. Did I want to go over for dinner? Was it a date? Did I want to date Dylan? Was I ready to date a guy? Oh my God, does this mean I’m going to meet his mum and are me and Dylan just friends, does he even want to date me-

Don’t freak out, it’s not a date x

Oh, that’s good right? Or does it mean he doesn’t want to date me-


Okay. Right. Dinner I could do. If anything we’re still friends and I like hanging out with him. Okay.

Sounds good x

He replied instantly.

I’ll pick you up after my shift x


I was freaking out. It is three o’clock, so Dylan was just finishing his shift at Jenny’s and would probably be here in half an hour. I’d showered- even shampooed and conditioned my hair- and dressed in a pair of stone washed jeans and a black polo shirt. Casual, but still nice I hoped. It wasn’t a date, but I couldn’t help feeling like it was, kind of. Or that it wasn’t just a ‘ hey, come on over to mine and we’ll chill with some pizza’ kind of night. Hell, I’d even went to the effort of blow drying my hair, but then styling it to look like I’d just rolled out of bed. It wasn’t a date.

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