Chapter Forty-Seven

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  • Αφιερωμένο στον/ην yhogibear

Alec’s Point of View

It took every ounce of willpower not to open the door. I wanted to open the door, but I needed to keep it closed. A small part of me knew that Dylan would have a logical explanation for what happened, but right now I was hurt.

The fact that it hurt so much just proved how strong my feelings were for Dylan. When I had dated Savannah I couldn’t count the amount of times she’d kissed other guys; and that was only the kisses I knew about. I hadn’t cared that much- I was more angry than upset, but with Dylan things were different.

We hadn’t broke up, but it felt like we had. I’d never been jealous before, but now I was. I was jealous that Jayme had been with Dylan before me, and that he still had a part of him right now. I know Dylan still has feelings for Jayme, I just wished his feelings for me were stronger.

I made my way toward the kitchen and got a bottle of water out of the fridge. I was in such an emotional daze from tonight that I didn’t even notice my mum sat at the kitchen table. With my dad.

I stopped with the bottle still raised to my lips and stared at them both. They had stopped talking and were both looking at me, clearly surprised that I hadn’t noticed them when I came in.

I refused to look at my dad and instead screwed the lid back on the bottle and turned to my mum.

“What’s he doing here?” I asked, aware that I sounded tired and as though I really didn’t give a shit, and right now I really didn’t.

“Alec, your father and I were discussing the divorce,” she replied calmly. She seemed on edge, and I don’t blame her after the last time I saw my dad.

“Alec,” he said, in a form of greeting. I glanced at him before turning back to my mum.

“Okay, whatever. I’m going to bed.”

“Alec,” she said, standing up. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, just grand,” I muttered before heading towards the kitchen door.


“Alec, your mother is speaking to you,” said my dad, standing up from his chair.

“Oh, so now you want to play the parent? Goodbye dad, have a nice life,” I said, making my way towards the stairs. I was halfway up when he called my name again. He was stood at the bottom of the stairs.

“Alec, show some respect when talking to us both!”

“Why do you even care? You never gave a shit about us when you were banging someone else!”

“I’m not in the mood to talk you. I couldn’t give a shit what you think.”

And with that I continued up to my room. Luke opened his door when I walked past and stuck his head out.

“You okay?”

“I’ll be fine,” I said before closing my bedroom door behind me.

I stripped down to my boxers and climbed into bed. I could hear my parents fighting downstairs.

He’s a disgrace to this family!

Jack that is your son!

That faggot is not my son!

Jack, how dare you?

Oh common Karen, are you honestly saying you’re okay with him dating a guy?

He can do what he likes, I’ll love him either way because he is my son!

He’s messed this family up!

No Jack, you have. You tore it apart!

I’m not dealing with this when you are being unreasonable.

The door slammed and listened as my dad pulled out of the drive and drove away. I hadn’t even noticed his car in the driveway.

My phone began to ring. It was Dylan. I let it ring out. It rang again. I ignored it.

When it beeped telling me I had a text I didn’t read it. I just stared at my phone as it rang again. I got another message and this time I picked it up and read it.

Alec please pick up the phone?xx


I’m sorry. Xx

I turned my phone onto silent and pulled the covers over my head.  Eventually, the tears that I had been holding back began to fall. I let them, and hoped that releasing them would also release the pain, but no. That was here to stay.

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