Chapter Fifty

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I lay awake with Dylan sleeping next to me. I had sex with Dylan. I lay looking at his face, and all I could feel was happiness and love.

I had drifted off to sleep and when I woke it was six thirty in the afternoon. Dylan was pulling on a pair of shorts and drying his hair.

"Did you have a shower already?" I asked, wiping my eyes and sitting up.

"Yeah, you want one?"

I nodded and moved to the edge of the bed, quickly pulling my boxers on. Dylan was studying me, trying to hide a grin.

"What?" I asked, feeling his eyes on me.

He shook his head and straddled the chair at his desk. "Nothing. You feeling okay?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering."

I gave him a strange look and made my way to the bedroom door. After a few steps I winced and turned to glare at him.

He laughed and stood up, coming over to me. He linked his arms loosely around my neck and kissed my nose, still grinning. I continued to glare.

"Asshole," I said.

"Mine is fine," he replied smugly.

I playfully pushed him away and carried on out of the bedroom, trying to walk as normal as possible.

"There's my little ducky," called Dylan.


"But you're waddling-" I slapped the bathroom door in his face.

I could hear him chuckling on the other side.

"Alec?" he called through the door. "I love you."

I counted to ten before opening the door. Dylan was stood with each arm resting on either side of the door frame, his eyebrows raised.

I leaned forward and kissed him, but pulled away when he went to remove his hands from the door frame.

"I know," I replied, smiling before closing the door.

I heard him laugh again before I turned on the shower.


We were sat on the couch eating the pizza we ordered when Dylan asked the question I had been waiting for, and dreading to answer.

"How's things going with your family?"

I shrugged and took a bite of my pizza, swallowing it before replying.

"Okay. Well, Dad stopped by last night. He was there when I got in."

Dylan paused with his pizza half way to his mouth. He put it back down into the box and looked at me.

"What happened?"

"I yelled at him, he yelled at me. He had a fight with mum afterwards and said some stuff I probably would have been better off not hearing."

I looked down and started wiping my hands with a napkin, avoiding Dylan's gaze.

"What did he say?"

"Oh, you know. Just that I wasn't his son. He called me a fagot."

Dylan was silent. He reached forward and wiped a tear from my cheek that I didn't even know was there.

"Alec, I'm sorry. I'd tell you to just ignore him, but I know you can't do that."

"I knew that he'd never be happy with it, I just didn't expect him to disown me."

Dylan reached out and took both my hands.

"Alec Brooke I want you to listen to me. Your dad is a fucking asshole. Don't focus in on him, or anyone who acts like they don't love you, or don't accept you. I love you. And so does your mum, and Luke. My mum and Sophie also love you. Not to mention Sam, Matt and Cam, even Sally and Mitch. You have too many people in your life who love you to spend time worrying about those who don't.

"I'm here. So are they. As long as you are happy, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks."

I smiled at Dylan and launched myself at him, hugging him for dear life.

"I love you," I whispered into his ear.

"I love you," he replied. "I'm here and we'll get through this."

"I know."


Thank you all for reading! I'm currently re writing a different version of Detention Boys with some slight character changes to allow me to possibly write a sequel.

For now, this story is complete.

Lottie H.

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