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And that was how I got stuck on a plane with a 12 year old unbearable boy - known as my brother. Fortunately, I slept the whole trip and only woke up when we arrived.

"Trixie, where's your coat?", my mother looked at me in amazement.

"Inside my suitcase," I tried to explain, my chin was trembling so much that my teeth were even chattering together.

"Didn't I say that you were supposed to take the coat on your hand? And I also told you not to travel in a dress!", she took off the wool scarf she was wearing and started to wrap it around my neck.

We were late to catch the bus that would take us to the hotel and, upon arriving at the vehicle, everyone was already accommodated, looking at us as if we had been delaying their entire lives.

I pretended I didn't see it and sat next to James, while my mother took the last row, which was the only one with seats still available.

Only when the driver started and I got up to return my mother's scarf, I was able to notice that among the passengers, who were of various nationalities, there were two girls, a little older than me, speaking in English and laughing a lot at some joke one of them had told. One had wavy ginger hair. And the one who appeared to be the youngest of them, was blonde and was wearing red lipstick.

Just because I'm not used to people at airports wearing lipsticks like that, I may have taken a little longer looking at her, who - when she realized I was staring at her - stopped laughing, winked at me and sent me a kiss.

I flushed immediately and went back to the front quickly. It was just what I wished for, in my first minutes in Chile, to find a pretentious American, thinking that I had fallen in love at first sight or something!

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