Who is he?

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Author POV

Yeonjun walked  into the bathroom to take a shower and then he will sleep . He stripped his clothes and went to the bathtub. He turn on the tab but water was not coming.

He again tried but not a drop of water was coming out from the tab . He got angry and suddenly something come out from the tab and guess what it's was not water but..... it's was pure blood.

He get scared and let out a scream and  closed his eyes but when he open them after some second he saw it was normal water coming out from the tab. He becomes confused.

He thought that maybe because he was tired so he is hallucinating things . He let it for now and take a quick shower and come out from the bathroom . But when he was coming out from the bathroom he didn't notice there was blood all over the walls and a Body of a lady was hanging there.

He changed his clothes into his comfortable clothes and sit down at the bed while thinking about everything happens to him after coming here . Like everything was weird and abnormal.

But he was too tired to think about this more so he put his legs under the blanket and was about to sleep but suddenly he heard a knock which made him startled because of the empty hallway the sound of bell ring feel like someone put it on speaker .

"Y-yes, who is there" he said, his voice was already shaking. The door slowly opened and a new guy entered. "Sir don't you wanna eat your dinner?" The guy said , who's name is hueningkai and he was also a staff member of this hotel .

Yeonjun felt a little relieved for now and look at the staff boy then replied with shaky voice, "n-no I am tired I want to sleep" .

"Okay good night Sir" the guy said and bow down before leaving his room and closed the door . Yeonjun let out a another deep sigh because this times the guy was not weird or strange like the others then check his phone.

He saw it was already over 11 pm . He don't have a clue time passed away like this . He put down his phone next to his pillow and lay down to sleep and turn off the lights of the nightstand.

When the lights turn off some shadows was seen beside yeonjun bed , observing the sleeping guy so deeply .

Time skip

At the midnight suddenly yeonjun got awake and he slowly open his eyes to take a  look around the room . He turn on the lights and took his phone.

He saw it was already 2:13 am of the night . He let out a yawn and rubbed his sleepy eyes then was about to sleep again that's when he heard a loud bang was coming from outside.

He got so much scared as he stared at the closest door of his room. He don't have enough brave to go out and check . Also beomgyu told him to not come out of his room at night time .

He lay down at the bed and wrapped himself at the blanket , trying his best to fall asleep. He was sweating. But seems like luck was not with him . He don't feel like to sleep because of his anxiety which was bad .

Suddenly he heard some footsteps out of his room and it was coming closer and closer then suddenly it's stopped Infront his door .
He was directed with sweat .

All of sudden so many banging sound was heard on his door which was so loud that it's almost give yeonjun a heart attack . Seems like so many people was banging his door like crazy and soon they will just broke the door and enter the room.

He tighten his grip on his blanket while praying to the god to save him from this . And suddenly everything went silence like pin drop silence.

No footsteps or no banging sound was heard from outside. He felt kind of relieved for this and he was taking breath non stop. He take the glass of water beside his nightstand and drink it .

He drink the water in one go and then put the glass down at the table and started to think about what just happened right now . Who was banging at his door like this , and who was walking around the hallway.

So many thoughts was running through his mind because since he stepped here everything was so strange . Beomgyu talking in strange voice, taehyun disappeared within a second and Hueningkai? He didn't even saw him around the hotel so from where did he come from.

He was in deep of his thoughts suddenly he again started to heard footsteps around the hallway and someone was singing a song which lyrics was of course creepy . Like the Voice was enough loud so he can heard from his room , the lyrics was about hide and seek . Weird. (Hide and seek,by lizz Robinett).

He slowly got up from his bed and take his phone and then walked towards the door . He can't stop himself now but to found out what is happening. So he slowly grab the knob and pull the door to towards him and slowly peaked out of the door .

He was surprised to saw a man singing at the middle of the hallway while dancing in such a weird way , like he was vibing through the song so much .

Suddenly the man stop singing and stood there . Yeonjun only can saw his back . Soon the man turn his body towards yeonjun and yeonjun regret for this when he saw the man face .

The man eyes was red like blood , his skin was pale like he don't have any blood . He was so tall and black coloured aura was floating around him . When he flashed yeonjun a creepy smile , his sharp teeth showed up .

He was wearing a long black coloured trench coat, with inside best blazer and black pants . But he was looking so creepy that made yeonjun frightened.

Yeonjun immediately closed the door when he saw the human looking creep was  walking toward him . He was breathing like non stop. He can't stay here more . This hotel is weird but he try to walk out now then what if something more strange or dangerous thing happened to him .

He don't know what to do now but he can stay ready to run away what if something attack on him . He went take out his bag and change his clothes hurriedly.

Suddenly he heard a knock on his door which made his heart skipped a beat .
"Yeonjun, what are you doing inside alone , come out and play with me" yeonjun was speechless now .

First how did he know his name and second the Voce , the voice was deep and way more creepy then beomgyu. He know that devil looking guy was now standing Infront his door .

His heart was beating like crazy and he was having breathing problems already Because of too much anxiety but it's not his fault, fate just put him into this.

He licks his lips and his grip gotten more tight on the bag and at the another hand it was his phone. The guy was calling him for several times but then again everything went silence.

He thought that maybe the guy is gone so he slowly open the door and peaked out of the door to saw no one at the hallway, it was all empty .

He slowly sneaked out of the room and closed the door slowly then started to walk quickly while wiping his sweat from his face .

All on sudden the lights of the hallway start to frickle and he get more scared but he didn't stop working. He was near the stairs that's when he meet him. Standing at the Stairs.

He tripped over the carpet and backed away .

The guy look at him and give a creepy smile like this is the creepiest smile yeonjun have ever seen in his life.....


what do you think who was that creepy guy and can yeonjun escape from the hotel. Was the hotel was cursed?

━━━𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐂𝐔𝐑𝐒𝐄𝐃 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐋 ₊‧.°.⋆☠️•˚₊‧⋆. : 𝐘𝐄𝐎𝐍𝐁𝐈𝐍Where stories live. Discover now