Part Four- The Realms

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Chapter Thirteen- The Tri-World Deadspot

Chapter Fourteen- DC v. Marvel (#LOLdeadlycomics)

Chapter Fifteen- The day I met Arnold Schwarzenegger

Chapter Sixteen- Mission: Impossible- How to dive off a falling flying plane carrier and not die+how to find an immortal alien :)

Chapter Seventeen- Sean Gunn and the Artifacts


The Tri-World Deadspot

I groaned.

My head hurt. And I was hungry.

Claire had landed on the couch, while I had not been so lucky. I landed flat on the floor, in the position a beach whale takes whenever it gets stuck on the beach.


That was the sound I made.

Claire sighed.

"Get up. We have work to do."

I stood up and stared at the discs. None of them had any name or marking on it.

"What happens if we play these in that thing?"

"We travel to that place."

"Where are we?"

"A Deadspot."

"What's a Deadspot?"

"A place that is outside of time, or a place that doesn't exist. A pocket or hollow in the fabric of the universe that you can stop at in between Realm Travel."

"So can we go into those worlds and come back?"


"Why not?"

"This place is only one way. If we leave, we would have to find a new one. The only good thing, is we can imagine anything in here and it pops up. And it saves in the next one."

I instantly thought of food, and some Cheetos popped into my hand. I happily crunched on them while Claire shook her head in exasperation.

"Of all things... that's what you think of?"

"Hey! I'm hungry."

Claire went to the bookshelf.

"While I read these books, could you go check out the console, see if the discs have any sort of colors on them."

I carefully picked up a disc and saw nothing special.

Claire saw me looking at them and a blank look crossed her face. Then she realized.

"Oh! Not the actual discs. Check to see if there's any disc boxes or anything."

I nodded, blushing. Then I went to the small table the TV was on top of and I opened the drawer. It was full of boxes, but none of them had any labels. Only the discs had pictures on them, but how could I recognize any? I mean, I could if I went into the movie, but as Claire had said, there was only one way in here.

"Hey, while you're over there, could you count the boxes? I just have an idea," Claire called out, kneeling to rummage through the bottom shelf of the bookstand.

I counted them. 24.

"There's twenty-four boxes in here," I said.

She stood up.

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