Chapter 9: The Jar

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Vlad was taking forever to respond back. I was scared, and he was probably out with his crush or something. During times like this, I wished I had more friends to text or someone to talk to. I gave up texting and put my phone on the charger. I was so afraid to shower that I decided to do it with my room door closed and the bathroom door open.

I turned on the hot and cold water then stepped inside. Not caring about the floor getting wet, I left the shower curtain open. I was doing my best to stay calm until my dad got home, but I couldn't wash without looking back every three seconds. Something was very wrong with Amber, and more, this house. I couldn't forget about the blade and the word I saw.

I finally turned off the water after scaring myself to death with thoughts. My skin crawled with fear as I got dressed. My anxiety reached a maximum, and I was already shaking so much that it looked like I was shivering. After I was fully dressed, I picked up my clothes off of the floor and put them in the hamper behind the door. I brushed my hair back to keep the water drops from falling on my face. As I was finishing up in the bathroom, I heard the door slowly closing. A faint creaking sound of the door filled the air with around me. As the door hovered towards a closing, it eventually closed shut with a click. I placed my hand on the doorknob ready to open it; however, the shower curtain closed as well.

The loud swish from the curtains made me jump. I placed my back against the door when I heard the shower water turn on, and someone inside began singing.

"Never fear that I'm no longer here. In the end, we will always win. Here with The Lovely Suicide Children."

I placed my hand on the doorknob but kept my gaze on the curtain. I saw the figure of someone behind the curtain just standing there. I wanted to turn the doorknob, but I couldn't seem to move my hand. My eyes were intensely glued to the shower. The singing continued, and this time, the figure behind it moved their arm. I saw the shadow of a hand reach for the end of the curtain until they gripped it. It was a slow reach, taunting me, scaring me, and striking fear into my heart.

That was enough for me. I didn't need to see more. Not a hand, not a face. I opened the bathroom door then slammed it shut. As soon as I did, the doorknob began to twist and turn. My body was telling to leave. Run away, Olivia, and don't look back. However, my brain told me to stay. It had more control over me at this moment. I held my breath as the door turned and clicked to an open. My eyes begged to see something I would possibly regret later. The door opened to a peak and nothing more. I peered inside, my heart throbbing in my chest, but saw nothing.

I took one more step towards my front door before talking. "Hello?" I asked. There was no answer. "Is-is anyone there?" My voice shook with fear. I stood there another ten seconds, watching the door, waiting for something to happened. I was stupid for waiting, but my brain wouldn't let it go.

"You don't belong here."

The voice did not come from behind the door. I turned my head in the direction of the sound and saw Amber perched on top of my bed. She sat there with her hands on her lap and her eyes directly on me. Her voice had been low, almost too low for me to understand. However, I had heard her clearly.

I quickly opened the room door and pointed a finger. "Get out of my room!"

Amber smiled, shrugged, then got up and walked out of my room. I slammed the door behind her, but after a few seconds alone, I opened it back up. Amber was still in front of my door, looking at me as if she had a dirty little secret and wanted desperately to tell me.

"When dad comes home, I'm going to tell him what's going on. I promise," I said with my hand still on the doorknob.

She nodded. "Good luck."


I didn't feel safe inside of my room, so I went downstairs and did my little bit of homework. I sat cross-legged on the sofa and studied the stuff I was assigned. I was really determined to do well in school, but there was one problem. I was diagnosed with ADD and paying attention to things I didn't actually enjoy was hard. I tried. I actually tried to understand what I was studying, but the point didn't stay in my mind. I never had help with that, and my mom didn't care much about my ADD. If I told my dad I needed help dealing with ADD, I believed it wouldn't make a difference, so I was on my own.

After 30 minutes of looking at my paper and understanding but so much, I checked my phone. I smiled when I saw that I got a few text messages from Vlad.

"Sorry for the late respond. Had problems with my parents. I can't stand them!"

"And what's up? What happened? Are you okay?"

I texted him back. "I'm so scared. I don't know what's going on, but I need to leave now!!!

He texted back right away. "I feel you there. :/ What happened? "

"My blade was floating. It was freaking floating! There was someone in my bathroom, and when the door opened, Amber was on my bed. I didn't even see her come inside. My bedroom was closed the whole time."

"That's weird. Maybe it isn't all that safe for you to stay there."

"I'll talk to my dad about it when he gets home. It's 8:23. He should be home soon." As soon as I sent the message, the doorbell rung. I almost ran to answer it but stopped when I heard the door unlock. Shayla and my father walked in, both of them carrying bags.

"Hi, Olivia," Shayla gave me a wide grin. "Missed us?"

Ignoring her, I walked up to my father. "Dad, I need to talk to you about Amber."

Using his free hand, he waved me off. "I just got in the house. Let me get settled in first."

"No, dad," I pushed. "It's serious. I walked inside of the house today and saw Amber cleaning up-"

"Olivia," Shayla snapped. "Your father is exhausted. Please, show some type of respect and concern. He's had a long day." She put the bags on the ground then placed her hands on his shoulders. "I'll give you a little massage later. Would you like that?"

Before he could answer, I walked back into the living room, grabbed my things, and went upstairs. Amber was right. He wasn't going to listen to me, and I wasn't going to keep Shayla entertained. I closed my door and put my stuff away, not in the mood to do homework anymore. I checked my phone, ready to ask Vlad to Skype. However, his last text message made it clear that we wouldn't be able to talk more tonight.

"Igtg Liv:( Parent's are being assholes again. Ttyl."

I put away my phone and laid down in bed. I didn't like it here, and I didn't know how much more I could live on with these people. My dad was a stranger, Shayla was a bitch, and Amber...she was just weird. I looked around, too scared to turn off the lights or attempt to sleep. I was about to listen to music when, all of a sudden, the door knocked.

"Come in," I said, too nervous and afraid to open the door.

Amber walked inside. She was holding her jar of her powder. Walking up to my bed, Amber handed me the powder. "I think you should use this tonight," she said while staring at me.

I sighed, unsure of what I really wanted to do. I looked at the jar.

"Just sprinkle it around your bed or where you sleep. She won't bother you," Amber said, then got up and headed towards the door. Before closing it, she looked at me and opened her mouth as if she was going to say something. I watched as she searched for words that wouldn't come out. She finally gave up and slammed my door, leaving me with the jar.


Point out any mistakes that I missed.

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