chapter two

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Just before Pearl walked round the corner to where Rockets was, she paused and grabbed her purse. She had already took the money her dad had left her, and she had some of her own money, but it wasn't cash she was searching for. Pearl checked her card section and sighed in relief when she found it: her ID. Her fake ID.

Pearl had the face, mind and body of someone in their early twenties, but Pearl was only fifteen. She had been blessed with old looking genes, and almost everyone she met assumed her to be older than she was. Pearl didn't mind - she loved it. She never got asked for ID, and Pez and Tessa had both said it was one of the main reasons why they were so glad to be her best friend. Since Pearl had never been to Rockets, however, she had brought her fake ID, just in case.

Rockets had a huge red sign outside it with its name on. There was a big black double door at the entrance, with a red rope running along it and down the street. A huge bouncer with neck tattoos and a face like stone was stood outside the door. A few more bouncers were standing near the red rope, keeping an eye out for any queue jumpers or troublemakers. The queue was long, and Pearl decided to join it now before it got too long.

After ten minutes or so of waiting, Pearl reached the front. She took out her purse. "It's fine love," the bouncer said in a Scottish accent. "I don't need to see your ID."

"Oh," Pearl said, acting coy. "Can I have a ticket?"

"Ten pound, love," the man said as he got her a ticket from his little blue book. He handed it over and took the note from her. He undid the rope and grinned at her, revealing several golden teeth. "Enjoy your night, love."


Pearl stepped through the doors and looked around. People were everywhere, all dancing, all drinking, and most grinding up against each other. The room was big, with a huge dance floor in the middle. Little booths and bar stools were dotted around the edge of the room, and toilets were at the back of the room, near the exit for the smoking area. A lot of neon signs hung on the wall. The bar was on the left side of the room, and was made of black marble. A few stools were by the edge, but nobody was sat there, as there wasn't enough room for people to order drinks. Next to the dance floor was a raised stage, on which were some drums and a few standing microphones.

Pearl saw lots of girls wearing practically nothing, and all of them were giggling and sipping alcopops and bottles of cider. Pearl walked over to the bar and waited to be served. A barman spotted her and smiled. He was rather short, with spiked blonde hair and dressed all in black. He had a lip ring and stretchers in his ears, and his name badge said he was called Carl. "What are you drinking?"

"I'll have a double vodka and red bull, thanks." The barman nodded and fixed her drink. She paid the man, got a straw and walked away from the bar, which was twice as busy as it had been a few minutes ago.

Pearl found a spot that wasn't overcrowded, towards the very end of the bar, and she stood and danced to the music that was playing through the speakers.

Pearl sipped her drink and looked around, staring at everything and nothing. A few girls smiled at her when they passed her, and a few guys asked if she wanted to dance, but she declined. Pearl finished her drink pretty quick, and she was surprised at herself. After this morning's hangover, she was shocked she was even drinking at all again tonight. But Pearl apparently thought alcohol again was a good idea, as she found herself back at the bar moments later. Another double vodka and red bull, and Pearl returned to her standing spot.

Pearl danced in time to the music, and suddenly it stopped dead. Someone who worked at Rockets made an announcement that the live band would now be playing, and people cheered and clapped and waited for the band to begin. The band was called Onyx, and the band members were all dressed like hipsters. They began their first song, which was a twisted love song. The lyrics were really witty, slightly depressing, and Pearl found herself singing along to the chorus after a while.

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