chapter nine

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Considering Pearl had only been there once, and had been incredibly drunk going in - and incredibly hungover going out - she managed to find her way back to Harvey's house surprisingly easy.

She walked by, thankful of the night and all the shadows it cast. She saw his door, clearer this time than the time before, and smiled. He had a small holly wreath hanging outside, entwined with fake red berries. He had no fairy lights in his windows, not like Pearl's house did, but she thought the wreath was a nice enough touch. She spotted his car outside and took a breath. She knew he was home.

Pearl walked up to his front door and rang the bell. What - why were her hands shaking? She'd seen Harvey loads of times. They'd been alone together, loads of times. Why was she nervous now?

There was a sound of voices from the other side of the door, and the outside light bounced on. The door swung open, and Pearl was sure her face had just fallen. Standing before her was a tall, thin, beautiful girl. She didn't look very old, but she wore skintight jeans and a top - which was dark pink with white flowers - that hugged every single part of her - all of which, Pearl saw, was perfect. She had bright blue eyes and the blondest hair Pearl had ever seen.

"Hi!" the girl said, and Pearl even hated how lovely her voice sounded - as petty as it was. The girl beamed at her, eyes waiting. "Can I help you?"

"I..." Pearl was stuck. Who the hell was this girl? She wasn't Darelle from the jewellery shop. She wasn't Pearl. How many girls did Harvey have after him? How many girls had Harvey had? How many girls did he have?

"Are you here to see Harvey?" the girl asked. Pearl raised an eyebrow. Of course his young, pretty girlfriend would know his first name. Pearl didn't nod or shake her head. "I can get him for you, if you like. He promised he'd cook dinner first, the idiot. Knowing him he's probably burning it." The girl paused and laughed and Pearl tried not to scream.

"I just -" Pearl began. "You know what. Never mind... sorry." Pearl turned on her heel and walked away from his drive. The girl who had answered the door shrugged and closed the door.

It was 8pm by the time Pearl got home. Tonight hadn't gone as planned at all. She had planned on going to see Harvey. She had finally decided that she couldn't keep away from him. Seeing him today, knowing he could have so easily gone up to another woman and have her putty in his hands... she hated the thought of him being with anyone else. Like he had told her once before, he was hers. She didn't care that he was her teacher, or that he was older than her. All she cared about was making him know she felt the same. She wanted him... she loved him. She had hoped he'd still feel the same way... But apparently he had prior engagements. He had another young, gorgeous girl to take Pearl's place...

Pearl's mum was busy upstairs, finishing off wrapping her presents. Toffee was lying on the carpet in the living room, and Pearl smiled when she saw the yellow ribbon a few inches away from him. Pearl's dad was on the sofa, watching the TV. "That was a short trip out," he smiled.


"Do you still have your shoes on?"

"Yes?" Pearl lifted up her foot and showed her dad the boots she was wearing. "Why?"

"Here," he said. Wayne reached into his jean pocket and pulled out his card - one of many. "Nip to the shop, please. Your mum said she needs milk, for the potatoes tomorrow... and I could do with a few more beers."

"You want your sixteen year old daughter to purchase you alcohol from the store?!" Pearl teased. "Oh, the horror! The shame!"

"You're a special one," Wayne laughed. "I'd come with you, but somebody has to keep my seat warm. And I know how much you love your independence, so..."

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