chapter ten

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It had snowed rather heavy last night, and a thin dusting of white layered the streets. It wasn't snowing now, but it was freezing cold. Nobody was about as Pearl walked to the shop. She hadn't planned on staying out too long - she wanted to get back home, where it was warm, where her family was. One of Pearl's favourite things about snow was when it was fresh, when nobody else had ruined it with their own footprints or shovels or bike tracks. She smiled as she crunched along, and when she reached the shop she gently kicked her boots on the outside wall to knock off the excess.

She entered the store, and smiled as she saw the shop assistants. They were all wearing Christmas jumpers and Christmas hats, and the manager was in a Santa Claus onesie. Pearl greeted them, wished them a merry Christmas, and began walking round the aisles looking for the items she needed. The bell rang, indicating a new customer to the store, but Pearl didn't pay any mind. She wanted to get her items and hurry home. She was looking forward to Christmas lunch.

Pearl placed the loaf of white bread into her basket, and walked round to the aisle where they stocked pet food. Reaching for the cat food on the top shelf, she sighed - she couldn't quite reach. She saw somebody grab a few tins of cat food from the shelf, and held it for her. Pearl looked up, past the long arm draped in red blood, and saw Harvey's face.

"For Toffee?"

"No, for me." Pearl raised an eyebrow at him and he laughed.

"Merry Christmas," he hoped she'd return the smile he gave her. She didn't.

"You too," Pearl said flatly. "Thanks..."

Pearl didn't want Harvey if he had a girlfriend. A pretty, young girlfriend. A girlfriend who was probably at his home right now, waiting for him to get back so she could kiss him all day and forget about the dinner burning on the stove...

Pearl ignored him and went and paid for her shopping. She left, and tried her best to walk before he could catch her. Harvey had practically thrown his money to the cashier - had told him to keep the change, even though it was about eighteen pounds - and had stormed out of the door and after her.

"Pearl!" Harvey breathed. The quick chase and the cold air had turned his ears slightly pink, and Pearl hated how adorable he looked. His hair was all fluffy and his stubble, which had grown, looked rough and rugged and delicious. "Yes?"

"She's my sister," he explained. "The girl... the one who answered the door, the one who was at the shop with me last night." Pearl's heart thumped in her chest.


"Jenny," he nodded. "She's my sister. She's younger than me - seventeen - and she's the most annoying person in my life. My family have come to spend Christmas with me - my mum and dad are here, too."

"You could just be saying that," Pearl said, not wanting to get her hopes up or believe his lies.

Harvey shook his head and looked down at her. "I swear to you."


"I'll prove it to you," he sighed. "I only want you, Pearl." Pearl shook her head and looked up at him, with those big, sad eyes. It cut into him like a knife. He gulped and tried again, but Pearl didn't want to hear it. Harvey went to say something - anything - to get her to believe him. "I'm sorry, Harvey," she gushed. "I'm not in the mood to deal with this right now... it's Christmas."


Pearl returned home, feeling slightly deflated. She truly did adore Harvey, but now he had a girlfriend what was the point? Sister... Harvey may have been telling the truth - Pearl certainly hoped it was the truth - but deep down she knew this was probably all for the best. Harvey and Pearl couldn't seriously be together, in a fully functioning relationship. They'd probably kill each other within a month. They both liked each other in equal measure, but there were complications. They both seemed to annoy each other, and they were explosive. That night after Rockets have proved that... Harvey knew that if anything ever happened between them, it'd have to be kept secret for a while. They couldn't go out in public, couldn't go on a date or for a walk in the park or on holiday together... If anyone ever found out, she'd more than likely be expelled from school, and Harvey would most definitely be fired and worse. Was it really worth the risk? Pearl shrugged off her coat, and all thoughts of Harvey, and tried to enjoy the rest of Christmas as best she could.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2014 ⏰

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