chapter 6

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I close my eyes and I just listen to her breathe next me for a few seconds before answering. I hope this might help her open her eyes. "I am not doing this to me, you are. You get me so scared, Gwen. If this tumor does not kill me, then the heart attack you keep wanting to give me will definitely do the trick." I laugh dryly.

The moment I say that, I feel her body tense up. She lets my face go and then backs away from me a little. I see her face fall in an abyss of darkness. A dark cloud seems to be covering her face right now. I see an emotion there too. Which is fear.

My death is inevitable, just like how our mum's was. But despite knowing this, we have never once talked about it.

Talked about what will happen and what to do when that fateful dark day comes. It's a heavy topic, something we both are not willing to sit down and discuss.

What will we even say?... I know I will ask her if she will be okay. I will beg her not to get into trouble anymore because her sister will longer be here to come to her rescue.

We are all we have left. We are each other's only family. I know me dying will mean she will be completely alone. And, I don't want that for her.

I don't want to pass away. I don't want to leave her alone. But, I know one day, I won't make it out of bed. One day, my life will come to an end.

So, that is why I want to use this time that we still have here together. I want to use this time to spend time with the girl closest to my heart...

Before we get separated by the cruel reality called death.. Something that, even the richest most powerful human to have exist in this world has not, and will not be able to avoid... I want to stay with her as much as possible.. Before we meet again in our next life.

And I pray in that next time, we will be sister again. We will still have each other there.

But in the meantime, let's use right now, yeah? I don't know if this will be the last time I am holding her in my arms. I don't know if this is the last time I will get to tell her I love. I don't know if this is the last time I get to tell her how much she means to me. I don't know if this is the last time i get to kiss her cheek goodnight and tuck her in bed.

Yes, I do that. Despite her being all big and bad... She is just a big baby who definitely enjoys being treated like one.

"One day, you'll understand why I am doing what I do. And on that day, I hope you'll thank me." She says calmly.

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