chapter 17

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This stranger keeps pulling me to some car in the parking space.

“Let me go!” I scream trying to get my hand back from him. But this man doesn't seem to want to and keeps dragging me with him. His face looking mad.

I am not going anywhere with him. With a stranger. A cold looking one at that.

If I scream loud enough, perhaps the guests from the wedding might come out of the church and help me.

“Let me go, you mad man!” I scream again.

His eyes go cold when he hears this and he turns them to me as he stops making me stop with him.

“I’m the mad one, right Gwen?.. It's me who is mad?” He scoffs.

“How many times do I have to tell you, I am not Gwen?!” I say in frustration.

The man simply smiles when he hears that, " You must have been over the moon, Miss Halverson. You thought you had cheated me then successfully escaped. However, have you ever heard of the saying ‘don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong’?”

I look at him and immediately have a feeling he is one of the people Gwen has done dirty before. I don't know if she sold him a fake cellphone or took his liver. But whatever it is, he seems pretty mad about it.

He solidifies this theory when he says, “You little scam artist.” He looks at me with disgust as if he wants to throw up.

I don't know what to tell him now. But I sure as hell ain't going anywhere with him.

“Jeremy!” I hear someone scream. It's the bride. She followed us out here. I hear her running towards us. Jeremy is looking at her with his eyebrows furrowed.

His eyes still cold, even for his bride.

“Jeremy! What is going on? You left me at the altar?...” Her voice is shaky when she saying this. She is crying, obviously.

Jeremy doesn't answer her. He is still quiet. I try to use this opportunity to take my hand from him but his strong grip on my wrist doesn't let me.

“Jeremy?... Let's go back... Let's go back and finish our vows and exchange rings.” She weeps desperately.

I look at Jeremy and he is just watching me and this makes me feel uncomfortable.

“Jeremy?.. Jeremy?... Who is this woman that made you run out of the altar?... Jeremy?...” She asks but Jeremy doesn't answer.

I turn around and look at the bride for the first time. She is not alone, she has two women behind her who seem to be accompanying her. They look middle aged and the bride looks like she is in her 20s.

When the girl sees me, she freezes. Her eyes go wide and she looks at me like she has seen a ghost.

The women behind her though, they are looking at me while gritting their teeth. They are looking at me with nothing but anger.

One of the women walks behind the bride and closer to me. "Gwen! You shameless harlot! How dare you come and interrupt Jeremy and Victoria's wedding!"

And with that, she sends a heavy slap cross my face. It was unexpected and this has me stumble back a bit from the impact of the slap.

"You shameless vixen! You came here to try to stop Vic and Jeremy's wedding, didn't you? I will kill you with my bare hands today!"

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