chapter 18

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                     👼 MY ANGEL 👼

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                     👼 MY ANGEL 👼

I hold the side of my face that has been slapped and then look at that woman with shock. Why did she just slap me? Why did she think I deserved to be slapped?

“Mum, it's okay. Don't bother with her kind! Let's just go finish the wedding.” The bride says looking at me now with distain. Her shocked expression completely wiped off.

“Vic you are too lenient. Have you forgotten how much she has been sticking her foot in you and Jeremy's relationship to try to ruin it? And seduce Jeremy to get him for herself? She even befriended you for that particular reason. To take Jeremy away from you.” Victoria's mum, her words confuse me very much. What is she talking about?

Gwen? My sister Gwen wanted to take this man from Victoria? And befriended her to steal her man?

Something is not right somewhere. Gwen doesn't do other people's men. She is not the type. She is too in love with herself to put herself in such a situation.

Yes, my sister is a sneaky girl, but no. This didn't make sense. She wouldn't do this unless.. There was a very very strong motive, which is not love. She never throws herself to a man for love. Money? A hard maybe. But not love.

Also, she never chases men. It's always the other way around.

I turn to look at Jeremy. He is definitely not my sister's type. She has been dating thugs, criminals and gang members all her life. Because that is her lifestyle. This man right here doesn't even have an ear piercing.

He is most definitely not a gang leader. Doesn't look like he owns a tattoo, does drugs and owns a motorcycle. He looks like the 'boring bank accountant' Gwen doesn't like.

Gwen, I know her. This is not a man she would really want.

And how come I don't know about this? She never mentioned anything about a man she fancies. She never said she liked anyone and I know even about her little flings.

This man right here though, is confusing me. His bride is standing there crying and looking scared because he just run out of the altar but he would rather hold my hand forcefully than comfort her?

He is just quiet as these women stand here looking all mad. He is not helping them scold me, or is he defending me. He is like a mute person.

The other woman speaks, “Victoria, Rosanna is right. I'm pretty sure she came here today for that very purpose. To try to stop the wedding. She is shameless after all. Ready to do everything to get her own way. Jeremy, don't let her succeed. You and Victoria should go back and finish with the ceremony. Gwen, go away, you are not welcome here.” She sneers at me.

My eyes go wide at the false accusations labelled at me. It makes me feel wronged. I wasn't trying to stop anyone's wedding. I innocently wanted to check it out. Only for me to stumble upon Gwen's enemies.

But shouldn't Jeremy be letting go of my hand now and start going to his bride?

“Why are you looking confused, Gwen? Weren't you the one who has been trying to take everything from our daughter from the start? Starting with her man?” She asks with a stern voice.

“Aren't you the shameless b*tch who keeps throwing herself to a man who doesn't want anything to do with you?.. And going as far as lying and scamming him?”

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