Valentine's Day

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Ender knocked on his girlfriends door, a bouquet of roses and a box of chocolate behind his back. "Come in!" Zandra's beautiful voice called out and with a smile, Ender pushed open the door. 

"Happy Valentine's day, doll," Ender said as Zandra smiled widely and giggled cutely. "I got you roses, and chocolate." Ender dramatically pulled the gifts from behind his back. 

"I love them, En," Zandra said, noticing the slight pink on Ender's cheeks, pressing a kiss to them. "Happy Valentine's day."

"I'm going to reserve us a table at the fanciest restraunt in town and get us the best seats avaliable to go see Star Wars," Ender promised.

"Aww... you're the best boyfriend a girl could hope for."

"You enjoy your chocolates, I'll be right back," Ender said drawing away hesitantly to go to the office. Zandra grinned and grabbed a vase to place her roses in. Popping a chocolate in her mouth she hummed to her favorite song, fantasizing to what will happen tonight at the restraunt. Ender will probably buy her the best champange in the restraunt, she'll probably choke on her words, trying to express how much she loves Ender.

Zandra coughed, she felt as if she was choking, actually, she was choking. She placed a hand over her heart and started to gag, a small bone coming from her throat. Her eyes widened and her mouth formed the words over her boyfriends name but no sound came out. Her coughs and gags not enough to bring him to the kitchen. She placed a hand on her throat, not able to see anymore, she dropped to the floor. 

"Valentine's day, the day for whores and loners," I groaned, crossing February 14th off the calendar.

"Someone's salty," Mason rolled his eyes from behind me.

"I'm not salty, just glad I don't have to watch people kiss all day," I pointed out, Mason couldn't argue with that.

"Good point, I think I found something," Mason said, half closing his laptop to look at me.

"Why? You find something?" I asked, moving to sit next to him as he reopened the laptop to a news article.

"Zandra Chancler died yesterday, she choked on bones," Mason summarized the article.

"That does not sound pleasant, thinking angry witch?" I asked.

"Definitely, her boyfriend is Ender Philip. Apparently he is a popular musician. Lots of crazy fans, lots of slightly disturbing fanfiction. If he's got any witch fans, they wouldn't hesitate to kill his girlfriend and take him for theirselves," Mason said and I groaned.

"This. This is why I hate Valentine's day. Where to?"

"Los Angeles, California."

"Of course, alright, let's move," I said, grunting as I stood up, grabbing the bag I didn't even get to unpack, and swinging it over my shoulder, throwing the motel door open and rushing out. Happy as ever to leave the creepy motel room that smelled too much like sex and weed from the people who booked it the night before.

"I'm driving!" Mason yelled.

"Like hell you're not!" I yelled back, rushing to the drivers seat and claiming the seat before he could get to it. "You drove last time."

"And you're a bitch," Mason said, raising his middle finger and looping around the car to shot gun.

"You know it," I smirked.

Within a hour of driving, the low rumble of the car had put Mason to sleep. It was always weird to see Mason sleep. After all, he is a 6'4" huge dude that carries about two guns and five knives with him everywhere he goes. But when he's asleep he looks like a goddamn teddy bear. He curls up and sets his head in my lap so he can actually fit. 

I made fun of him for it when we first started hunting together about six years ago, we were both alone at the time, almost killing ourselves in dangerous hunts without any backup. That is, until we became eachothers back up. Now I don't have to worry about the man with the gun to my head  because there's Mason, a gun to yours, blowing your head off without hesitation. 

We became codependant, being around eachother since we were 19. I act like I hate his guts sometimes, but he's my best friend. I love him. He's sorta like the big brother I never wanted.

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