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Mason and I took off, heading straight for Maryland. Now that we know what it is Kiera's collecting, news reports started to stand out. BANK ROBBERS HANDS CUT OFF! MENTAL HOSPITAL RESIDENT DEAD, BRAIN MISSING! HOMELESS FOUND DEAD, HEART RIPPED OUT OF CHEST! Kiera must be getting ready to open the hole, so Mason drove miles over the speed limit down backroads to get to this graveyard.

"KIERA!" I yelled, running out of the not even parked car to Kiera who was stirring up the puke-enducing ingredients. She looked back for a moment and shook her head.

"I should've known better to get a hunter to do my work," she said and dumped the ingredients out of the bowl onto the ground where the ground started to crumble away and instead reveal a red-orange shimmer. I ran up and grabbed Kiera's arm and pulled her back before she could jump, she quickly turned and punched me in the face, attempting to use the power to push her back into the hole, but I didn't let go of her arm. 

Mason ran over and pushed her to the side, swapped her position with mine. I started to walk forwards, pushing Kiera away from the hole. Mason approached her from the side, a knife in hand and Kiera's fear stricken face quickly morphed into a smirk. Just as Mason stabbed her in the heart, she pushed me back with all the force she had. I screamed Mason's name as I grabbed the end of the hole.

Kiera fell to the ground and Mason ran to me, grabbing my hands and trying to pull me up, but something else was pulling me down. I looked down to see black smoke wrapped around my ankles.

"COME ON KIERSTEN!" Mason yelled on the top of his lungs and I tried, but the demons won. And I fell.

"Morning, Kiersten," someone said as I woke up. But I didn't wake up in a bed, no, I woke up dangling from the ceiling by two hooks going through my shoulders and two more going through my wrist. And it hurt like hell, but jugding by the hellfire and the black smoke infront of me taking the shape of a man, I guessed I was in hell. "Do you know what this is?" he asked, raising a leaf up in his hand, I laughed causing blood to spill out of my mouth.

"A leaf?" I asked.

"It's Gympie Gympie, one of the very few good things in your world. Did you know that it's so painful that nearly everyone who touches it kills themselves? Well, since you're already dead and down here with me, you can't end this pain early, so let's see how bad it gets, shall we?" he asked and rubbed the leaf across my neck. Instantly it started to sting, I grunted and bit my lip.

"Interesting," the demon said and I opened my eyes buthe wasn't in front of me any more. "Don't you think that's going to be all for today, I'm under stict orders to torture you more than I've ever tortured before, we'll have you ready within a week," he said, slicing open the skin on my back. He broke my rib cage and pulled the bones back which was enough to get me to scream on the top of my lungs, that is, until he grabbed my lungs and let them dangle outside of me, I started to feel like I was suffocating. But I can't die, so it just went on, and it didn't seem like he was going to put them back in anytime soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2018 ⏰

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