Love of my Life

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"Are you Kiersten Edwards?" An old woman, almost a foot shorter than me with extremely thin gray hair asked, grabbing my wrist with a grip that should not be possible for a woman of her age.

I tilted my head, "who are you?"

"Renesmee Raboud, Emmanuelle Raboud's mother," she said and I instantly knew.

"I'm sorry-" I began but the woman wouldn't let me continue.

"Your father was a dick! I think you should be in jail, your father raised you, how are we to know that you aren't the same," she said, I choked on my words but luckily by then Mason realized what was happening.

"Hey! Send your hatred somewhere else," Mason yelled at her, not giving a damn about the stupidass 'respect your elders' rule. Mason swung an arm around my shoulders and continued walking along the sidewalk.

"You're not your father, you know that right?" Mason whispered, I chuckled a bit. 

"Yeah, I know," I reassured him that I knew, the months of work Mason put into me to convince me that paid off. My father was a rapist. A murderer. He abused me, but I hate talking about it because at least he didn't kill me, right? My father's dead, thank God, but because of that. The people he affected had to direct their hatred at someone, and with my mother dead, and my brother who knows wear, they usually directed it at me. I look the most like him anyway. With my frizzy red hair and large brown eyes. For a while I wore a hat over my hair and sunglasses, that was before I met Mason.

"Did you find any suspicious witch shit, yet?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Not yet, so we're going to take a little break and go to the bar," Mason said and I laughed.

"What so I can help you hook up with some dude?" I asked, he shrugged.

"That and drink," he came to the conclusion. 

"I'm down for that," I said.

"Fantastic!" Mason replied, harshly turning into a bar on the end of the street and pulling me in. The bar was packed as expected at nine pm on a Friday. There was a small dancefloor in the back, girls dancing together, lots of grinding. Dudes leaning up against the walls, sipping beer and watching some girls dance like creeps. Mason and I grabbed two stools at the bar, flagging the bartista down for our first drink.

"What about him?" Mason asked, casually pointing at a man in the background. He looked nice but I followed his gaze and landed on a woman with a tight and short dress.

"Nope, he's eyeing a girl. I thought there was a gaydar," I teased as Mason rolled his eyes.

"Shut up." I laughed until Mason smacked my shoulder with the back of his hand. "I think that one's looking at you," Mason said, pointing at a rather hansome man across the room. He didn't seem to realize that Mason pointed at him and kept staring at me. 

"You keep fishing, I'll be back," I said with a wink as Mason rolled his eyes. "Hey." I said, taking a seat next to the man. "I'm Kiersten, I noticed you staring at me."

"Hey, uh, this is awkward," he laughed, rubbing the back of his neck. "I was actually trying to see if you were with your hot blonde friend, sorry..."

"Oh! Even better! I'm not with him, I'm trying to hook him up, he's really quite stupid." 

The man laughed. "Well, I think I can look past that."

"Perfect, his name is Mason, come on," I said, loosely grabbing his wrist and leading him through the crowd back to Mason. 

"Look, I found you a hot dude, chat it up. I'll be chilling over there," I said, shoving whatever his name is towards Mason and backing away, watching as their conversation started by laughing at me. Not that I cared. 

"Hey," a woman around my age, with long light brown hair said, approaching me and leaning against the wall besides me.

"Hey..." I said trailing off as she took out a little brown bag, "what's that?" I asked but the silver powder thing was already sprinkled on me.

"I'm Kiera Morgan, I need you to do a favor for me," she said. I recognized the name, the name of the woman who convinced Ender to kill his girlfriend. She was right in front of me and I had a gun, I could end this right here right now. But I only felt the need to help her do whatever it is she needed me to do, actually, a better description would be that she's the love of my life.

"Anything," I said, although that wasn't what I thought I would say. Kiera smiled and handed me a little, old, and stained piece of paper.

"Get me these items and meet me back here by tomorrow at this time, got it?" She asked and I nodded, grinning like a child and running out of the bar to do exactly what she told me to.

It wasn't until the cold breeze hit my face that I was able to fully realize what was happening to me. A love spell. She must've done the same thing to Ender to make him kill Zandra. I unfolded the piece of paper, the first ingredient on the list was a person deep in love. That must've been Zandra.

When I read the next item, ghost tears, I felt an over whelming want to go get ghost tears. So much that standing my ground physically hurt me. When I turned and started to walk back into the building, it felt like the whole world was pushing against me to go to the cemetry. I doubled over in pain, blood pouring out of my mouth. I looked around the room for Kiera but she was no where to be seen, so I walked to Mason.

"Kiersten! What happened to you, did you get into a fight?" Mason asked, a face full of concern and annoyance as his gaze went straight to my bloody mouth and now, my bloody nose.

"Kiera Morgan," I grunted, "She's here, goddamn love spell." I said not caring that the man I paired with Mason was hearing and seeing the whole thing.

"Where is she?" Mason asked, looking around the room. 

"Gone. She'll be back tommorrow, at this time," I said, grunting as more blood poured out of my mouth as everything was working against me, not wanting me to spill the secrets about the apparent love of my life. "She wanted me to get these ingredients." I handed Mason the paper and he just shoved it in his pocket and lifted me up from my hunched position, carrying me bridal style.

"Sorry 'bout this Lonnie. Talk later?" Mason quickly asked the man. Lonnie nodded and Mason was out the door. Grabbing his knife from his pocket and using it to break into a car. Setting me in the passenger seat and driving miles over the speed limit.

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