There's Bones in the Chocolate

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"This is Agent Ramsey, I'm Agent Walker, we're with the FBI," I said, pulling my fake FBI Badge out of my jacket at the same time as Mason, showing the Police Officer who was stupid enough to believe us and let us into Zandra's house. Not that I can blame him, they all believe the badges.

"What's the FBI doing with a case like this?" the officer said, leading us to the scene of the crime, Zandra's fancy kitchen.

"We just finished up with something a couple of miles from here, thought we'd check it out," Mason replied.

"Well then, I assume you know, the vic choked on small bones, her boyfriend was in the office although he doesn't claim that he heard a thing."

"Do you know what kind of bones?" I asked and the officer sighed.

"Unfortuantely it seems like a babies bones." I scrunched my face up. 

"Do you think we could have a moment to look around?" Mason asked, the officer nodded and left us alone in the kitchen. Instantly we started searching around. Witches have to hide a piece of paper with their spell on it somewhere it will affect the victim, and then they read that spell in front of a weird and creepy sorta alter, where they have a picture of the victim, which they have to bleed on while surrounded by thirteen candles which they burn the picture on eachone just a bit before they completely burn the picture with the thirteenth candle, and finishing the spell. It's really fucking creepy.

Mason rummaged through the fridge, as I looked under the table and chairs. An open box of chocolates set on top of them with one missing. I lifted the plastic choclate holder and what do you know, a folded up piece of paper with latin gibberish on it. 

"Found it. The bones where in the chocolate," I said drawing Mason over and lifting a piece of chocolate, smushing it to assure myself there was no bones in it anymore before eating it.

"Seriously? Don't eat the chocolate that killed her!" Mason said, pushing the box away from me. 

"It's good chocolate! She's not going to eat it, I can't let it go to waste!" I picked a handful more of chocolate and tossed them in my mouth, ignoring Mason's disapproving look.

"Whatever, wanna talk to Ender Smith?" Mason asked, having given up on me.

"Yeah, let's go," I said grabbing the remainder of the chocolates before walking out the door.

"Ender Smith? I'm Agent Walker, and this is my partner Agent Ramsey. We're with the FBI, we'd like to talk to you about the death of Zandra Chancler," I yelled through the closed door pressing my badge against one of the windows. He didn't answer when we knocked the first time, but my guess is that he didn't because of the hoards of fangirls outside his house, most showing no sympathy for his dead girlfriend.

I listened to the locks on the door click off one by one before the white haired young man grabbed us and pulled us in quickly before shutting the door. 

"Sorry about that, the fans are going crazy right now," Ender said, relocking all the locks.

"Understandable, sorry about your loss," Mason said to start our questioning off on a good note.

"Thank you," he said then cleared his throat, "what do you want to know?"

"We want to know if Zandra had any enemies. Is there anyone in particular that would want to hurt her?" I asked.

"You mean- Someone did this to Zandra. I thought... I thought she choked on the chocolate," he said and I furrowed my eyebrows together.

"Didn't the police tell you? Zandra choked on bones, a babies bones, actually," I said studying his face hard as he looked down in confusion.

"No... that doesn't make any sense," Ender said and I exchanged a look with Mason and we held our hands behind our backs, grabbing our guns.

"You loved Zandra, correct? You'd never want anything to happen to her, you'd never've wanted her dead?" Mason asked, using his tall frame to back Ender into a wall. 

"Y-yes.. O-of course."

"Really? 'Cause it sure doesn't look like it," I said.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, that it looks that you cursed Zandra. Planted the paper in the chocolate box, went into the office and did the spell, you planned for her to choke on the chocolate. But magic doesn't quite work like that, she choked on baby bones. That's suspicious. You're packing your bags, gonna go into hiding," I said pointing to the bags on the stairs. "What I don't know is why you did it."

Ender fumbled on his words, a look of pure terror on his face so Mason placed his gun beneath his chin to persuade him to talk, "I recommend that you answer my partner, or I'll blow your head off and we'll find out some other, better way," Mason threatened.

"Al-alright! Alright! Kiera Morgan, a woman I met in the bar, she told me to do it," Ender gave in, "please tell your friend to drop the gun."

I sighed and made a gesture to Mason and he lowered his gun as Ender gasped. "Who's Kiera Morgan?"

"She's the love of my life, she told me to kill Zandra and then we could be together. But do I wouldn't get caught, she showed me how to do the spell, that would make her choke on the chocolate, then we would meet up at the fanciest restraunt in town and be together..."

"She never showed up?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Well, serves you right, you're an A class douchebag, I hope you know that," I said and Mason and I stepped aside to talk.

"Well I suppose we gotta find this Kiera Morgan, then?" Mason asked.


"But how, she seems smart, she's probably on the other side of the country by now."

"Which raises the question, why did she do it?"

"Some spells require virgin blood, right, maybe Zandra was a virgin?"

"Hey, buddy! Was Zandra a virgin!" I called out to Ender still in the corner. 

"Hell no!" he snorted.

"Nevermind then," Mason corrected himself.

"Let's just keep a look out for other witch like deaths, we'll have to come across her eventually," I shrugged. 

"Alright," Mason agreed with a shrug and finally put his gun away. Giving Ender a glare before stepping back outside. I sighed and grabbed a napkin from the table besides me and a pen from my pocket, jotting down my number and handing it to Ender.

"Call me if you hear anything from Kiera, alright?" I told him pointedly, regretting nothing more than giving this douchebag my number.

"Can I call you to make date arrangements?" He asked with a wink.

"Do that and I will shove my gun up your ass and shoot," I threatened, making my gun very clear in my hand, he gulped and nodded, I smiled and tucked my gun away, raising my middle finger as a good bye as I walked out.

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