Chapter ten

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A day has gone by and she hasn't even bothered showing her face. She really thinks she can just refuse me a prize that I clearly won?

I even played fair to her little game.

My jaw is a little stiff from the punches from that bastard, Julian.

Today has been more bland than usual. Lunch was horrific as always. At least they have frown some respect for me around here now.

I will take over this place. They will bow down to me. If I cannot be king in my own region, I will be king here.

Then I will escape.

Where the hell is she?

It is almost lights out as I sit on the floor in my cell. Staring at the same cement wall for the last hour, I'm bound to go insane.

I have began working out for an hour each day to build some strength back. The next brawl I will win again. I have to.

As I continue to stare off at the wall my mind wanders to the woman in charge once again. Something about her intrigues me. The way she is so small yet thinks she is as scary as a bear.

The name Heidi, meaning nobility or "of noble birth". I wonder who her parents are.

I find it funny the way she wishes she could strangle me every time I open my mouth to her. She tortures me in here, why?

Was the man I shredded her brother? Or am I right that he was a lover. Maybe a mate? She holds so much anger towards me. If only she knew how badly I am going to make her suffer once I am released from these cages.

Suddenly I am filled with energy, my eyes widening with a surge of power.

"That was odd." I turn my head to the side, cracking my neck.

I feel better. More in control. I jump to my feet, stretching out my aching legs.

Let's try something. I run towards the wall across from me, jumping up and bouncing off of it with a back flip.

A smirk covered my excitement. Yes, something is definitely different.

Feeling an inch taller, I approach the bars, reaching my arms out to play with the impossible lock.

I take the bars in my hands and yank them to the side, hard. My eyes widen at the small give in them. They now bend slightly away from each other.

"Time to escape." I grin ear to ear.



The bus is nearly empty on the sad road back to the Pioneer pack. Jax may be deceased, but we got out asses handed to us by his army.

Deep in thought, I watch out the window at the gloomy clouds above me. It is the middle of the night but sleep cannot find it's way to me.

I did roll call and we lost twenty five men. Only fifteen remain alive. Most are wounded. I myself have a large bruise necklace around where Jax roughly choked me to death.

We ride back in silence, the drive lasting for hours.

It isn't until early morning that we make it back to our own pack, the bus slowly screeching to a stop in front of the prison.

Fog has set in, giving an eerie vibe to the place I call my second home. We slowly file out of the bus and I order for everybody to get some rest.

I make sure Amber gets the help she needs. The medic from the Magic pack gave her some herbs and wrapped her wound, so thankfully the bleeding has stopped. I still send her to have a professional check it out to confirm.

I do not trust the hippies.

Walking in the entrance, I replay my meeting with Jax in my mind.

Tell my little brother I am coming for him

I sigh a little as I stare at the security cameras.

"Hey, uh I heard what happened." I hear Rylan behind me.

His voice is like a breath of fresh air. Someone kind and familiar. I am so glad he is unharmed.

"Yeah." was my only reply.

"And Jax?" He steps closer to me, following my gaze to the computer screen.

Cell 304.

I squint at the picture, clicking to zoom in on the feed.

"Jax died in cross fire. Cody saved my life." I breathe out a sigh through my nose.

Rylan comes to stand next to me, putting his hand on my shoulder and giving it a heartfelt squeeze.

The cell that holds him. The bars on the door of Zane's cage are... bent.

It looks as if something has grabbed the bars and peeled them back.

The opening in the bars is small, not big enough for him to escape through. I watch him sitting on his bed, back facing the camera so I cannot see his face.

"Wait... doesn't that mean that.." Rylan trails off, I hear him gulp.

The blood drains out of my face as I put the pieces of the terrible puzzle together.

"Since Jax is dead..." I stutter out, unable to peel my eyes from the steel cage that has some how been pried apart.

I stare at Zane's back, realizing the consequences I am going to face.

"Zane is next in line."


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