Chapter twenty nine

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Amber called me today. She said I have been locked in my apartment for six whole days without human contact. She wants me to go out with her, Charlie, and Rylan tonight.

She said I need "to be normal again," so we're going to a bar. Not my idea of normal, but she didn't take no for an answer.

I stand in front of the body length mirror, looking myself up and down. I put on a solid black mini dress. It hugs my hips, fitting my curves perfectly. It is a little on the short side, but Amber had said to dress to impress. I paired the dress with some black strappy heels. I curled my dark brown hair in a pony tail and applied some mascara. Now I look presentable.

But I don't feel presentable. I feel sick. The bags under my eyes have darkened, even though I have finally caught up on sleep. I had to apply two layers of full coverage concealer to make myself look alive. My skin is a ghostly pale, looking even more white with my red lipstick.

I constantly feel tired. Jackie had said it might just be how I am readjusting to being back home after "all of the trauma" I have been through, but I feel like it is something different.

A knock at my door pulls me from my worries.

I open the door and am greeted by the three smiling faces of my friends, all dressed nicely for our evening out.

Amber wears a blue short cocktail dress with black heels. It has an open back and a skirt that flows with her every movement. Charlie has worn a white button up with jeans and boots. His glasses sit on the bridge of his nose and his hair has been sleeked back. He looks very cute, the way he smiles at Amber. Rylan on the other hand has the same pompadour hairstyle but tonight wears a black and white button up with a belt and jeans. He also wears boots. Around his waist he has a brown leather belt with a large metal belt buckle in the shape of a star.

I am dragged down the stairs and to Rylan's BMW. I get shotgun as he opens the door for me. We all pile in and begin the drive. Amber chatters from the back seat about how much fun we are going to have.

"I'm so getting you drunk, Hei" She promises me.

The bar they chose is only a short drive from my house. It is a little run down, but somehow it is the Pioneer pack's most popular joint.

A purple neon sign glows up the street.

The Tavern.

People crowd around the entrance, dressed in glittering dresses and formal button ups. Since we are members of The Guard, we don't have to wait in line. Somehow being a prison guard/military soldier gets you into things like this. The bouncer just nods us in, giving Amber a small flirty wink.

Inside is packed with people dancing closely together. Amber wraps her small fingers around me, dragging me straight to the bar. Tequila shots.

She orders three rounds for the four of us.

"To Heidi!" She shouts through the loud music, holding up her shot glass. I blush at the toast, clinking my shot glass with hers and the others.

We tap them on the table then shoot them down our throats, the liquid burning fire the entire way down. Once the liquid reaches my stomach, I am filled with warmth.

Two more shots quickly follow, giving me a quick buzz.

Rylan drags me onto the dance floor, busting out embarrassing moves. I cant control my laughter at his silly dancing. Amber grabs my hands, swinging me in a circle as Rylan and Charlie dance like two high-schoolers at prom.

The colorful lights stream across the dance floor as the Dj plays loud booming rap music. Amber and I drop with the music, letting loose. The floor finally gets sweaty with all of the warm bodies hovering so close to us.

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