Chapter Nineteen

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Carter and Johnny met in the library after school, every day of the following week.

Carter discovered Johnny's provision of cats or physics-themed memes extended well past what should be considered healthy. He also learned Johnny's interest in physics bordered on a raging passion, which he found fascinating to watch. Usually, Carter the one rambling. But when it came to physics, the other boy could talk a mile a minute.

Johnny told him he had only been asking his dad for a drone for Christmas so he could take it apart and see how it worked. And then he planned to build one with pieces he would acquire himself. Johnny even showed him the few people he had already contacted online for the partd he already knew he would need.

When Carter asked him why not simply keep the drone he got from his parents, Johnny's answer was a reluctant scoff. "That's not the point," he'd mumbled.

On Tuesday, they even had a short conversation with Mrs Lewis after closing hours. She relished in the chance to gush about her grandchildren to willing ears. Johnny drove Carter home afterward, nearing dinner time.

On Wednesday morning, Carter had no qualms in asking Mike to drive him to school after Seth texted him in very few words he couldn't do it. Carter didn't really think about it again, until practice time rolled in and Seth still hadn't showed up. 

Coach asked Carter to stay back after practice, while everyone else went into the locker room.

"Did Queens tell you anything about not coming today?"

"Uhm, family stuff," Carter said, even though Seth had not told him anything.

Coach nodded knowingly. He hummed gruffly, looking thoughtful before he asked, "How's he doing with math?"

Carter stood quiet for a second. He stopped himself from glancing in the direction of the locker room. He didn't want to look impatient, but Johnny was expecting him to show up in the library after four. It was now decidedly closer to five. Carter didn't want Johnny to think he was going to stand him up, but he couldn't dismiss Coach Mason either.

"I don't know, sir. He hasn't said anything," Carter said politely. "But I can check."

Coach nodded, seemingly pleased with his answer. "You do that," he said. "You can go now. Kept you long enough already."

Carter made a conscious effort not to sprint to the locker rooms, at least until he was out of sight. His teammates were either in the showers or waiting for room to clear so they could go in. Carter ignored their boisterous banter, hastily reaching into his locker for his stuff. He normally hated changing without showering—especially after an extended practice—but Johnny was waiting. Hopefully, he was still waiting. 

Flushed, damp-haired and with his heart pulsing anxiously inside his ribcage, Carter bolted out of the locker room and into the library. His shoulders dropped with relief when he saw Johnny sitting in front of his laptop in his usual corner. He approached quietly.

Johnny didn't remove the earbuds immediately as he saw him, only after Carter sat down.

"It's two minutes after five. You're lucky Mrs Lewis let you in," Johnny mused casually.

Carter sighed. "I'm sorry. Your dad drilled us way past the end of practice, but I tried to get here as fast as I could after," he rushed out.

For a moment, Carter could swear he saw Johnny gaze at his disheveled state and he wondered if maybe he shouldn't have risked taking a little longer for that shower after all. He just hoped he didn't smell

At last, Johnny showed him a half-smile that was only half-reassuring. "It's okay. You got a game to win next Friday," he said in a matching tone.

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