Chapter Fifty-Three (Pt. 1)

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*This chapter contains sexual content*

Carter texted Johnny just as he stepped on the Masons' porch. The front door opened as soon as the message read 'sent'.

Johnny welcomed him with an eager kiss, pulling him inside.

Carter smiled. "Hey yourself," he murmured into Johnny's lips.

Johnny laughed, taking Carter's hand to steer him into the living room.

"Lydia's super excited," Johnny told him. "Apparently, Bella has a horror movie collection."

Carter raised his eyebrows. "I didn't know that, but it seems in-character."

Johnny smiled, sitting down on the couch and pulling Carter on top of him. They shared an idle kiss and Carter hummed into Johnny's lips, running his hands down his boyfriend's side before settling them at his hips. Johnny's hands cupped Carter's face as they parted for air.

"Should we order food first and then... that?" He smiled, biting his lip.

Carter licked his lips. "Yeah. Sounds good."

Their food wasn't long to arrive. By the time they were almost done, Johnny received a photo from Lydia. He snorted out a laugh at the screen, before turning his phone around so Carter could see a selfie with all the girls. Lydia, Melanie, Jenna and Lauren were at the front, smiling as one would in this sort of situation; Bella and Reggie were in the back looking like they'd rather not be in the situation at all. 

Carter laughed. "Looks like they're having fun."

Johnny nodded. "Yeah." He pocketed his phone. "We should too."

Carter didn't have time to object. Johnny had his hands on his face again, mouth pressed to Carter's. Not that he would object if he could. He wanted this. He wanted Johnny. He couldn't even believe there had been a time when he was oblivious to this part of himself. 

Carter let a hand trail up Johnny's thigh, using the other to cup his chin, slowing the kiss. He was usually happy to let Johnny take the reins. It even gave him a certain sense of excitement. But he wanted them to take this slow, to let themselves savor it—make it special.

At that thought, their friends' voices crept their way into Carter's head uninvited. He could hear them giggle and laugh as they taunted them at lunch. Carter tried to shove it to the back of his mind. However, it seemed as though the moment he was done shaking off Jenna's clever remarks, Joey's troubling use of 'pound-town' floated to the surface; and just as he pushed that down, he remembered Roy's story about candles and fire hazards.

"You okay there, champ?" Johnny asked, pulling back.

Carter huffed in frustration, letting his head fall back onto the back of the couch. He rubbed his hands down his face with a groan, shooting Johnny a contrite look.

"It's kinda weird knowing they all know," he mumbled.

Johnny propped one elbow on the back of the couch to look at him. "Know what?" He asked.

Carter winced. "What we're doing," he muttered. "Or planning to do, at least."

Johnny laughed, shaking his head lightly. "I didn't know you were gonna get all awkward about it," he said. "I thought you talked about this stuff with Seth."

"Yeah, well—he's my best friend," Carter argued.

Johnny nodded understandingly. 

"Sorry." He shrugged apologetically. "Lauren asked if we had been waiting for an opening for a long time, kind of as a joke, and I said I wasn't even sure if we were gonna go that far, because we haven't yet."

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