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Pls read the second half of chapter 29, I changed it up. Thanks :)


The next evening, I was sitting alone on my bed, listening to music, and going through some websites on my laptop. Senior year was sort of coming to an end...well not really, but it was already November, and time had been going insanely fast, so I figured that I should probably do some research about art collages, and the requirements.

I spent most of the evening doing that, and everyone was going to come over after the game got over.

I was going through this website of a company that helps students who want to pursue art, it was quite interesting.

I looked through the fee section, when the door creaked open, and I heard Jake and Aiden's voices fill the air of them room. I looked up, and saw them enter the room, and unexpectedly saw bruises and cuts on their faces.

"Oh my god, what the happened?" I asked, seeing Jake wipe a drop of blood staining the side Of his forehead.

I looked over at Aiden, whose hair was messy, and face looked beaten up, but somehow he managed to still look amazing.

"Fuck if know," Aiden said, washing his hands in the small sink.

"The fixtures got changed, we played against JF high instead," Jake said,


He sighed. "And...." he cleared his throat. "Levi got in a fight," he said.

"What?" Levi was the calmest among all of us, he was never one to start fights

Jake nodded.

"With the guys at JF high?"


"Where are the others?" I asked.

"Uhm...Levi's in the infirmary, nothing happened, coach sent him, and Scarlett and Ryan are waiting for him...." he replied.

Aiden sat down on the chair next to the bed, and rested his head on the wall behind him, shutting his eyes.

"Wait, what the fuck happened?" I asked again,

"Asher was honestly playing to lose, most of his friends are on the other team, and he showed up stoned and the guys at JF we're fucking fouling the whole time,"

I looked at Aiden who seemed to be in a weird state of mind. He seemed tired, and not as calm and emotionless as he usually was, it was weird.

Jacob's phone began ringing, and he picked it up walking out of the room.
I heard aside sniffle, and look at him, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Are you okay?" I asked softly,

"Hmm?....yeah its nothing," he said, rubbing his plam over his bruised knuckles.

"No I seem sort of..I don't know, worried?" I said, however worried would definitely not be the right word to describe how he looked.

He just looked tired...and......bothered.

"I'm not worried," he said, letting out the smallest hint of a chuckle.

I looked at him, sort of confused,

"I's...I haven't gotten into a fight since...I got back..." he said, really fucking hesitantly.

That didn't add up though, because didn't he fight at the Stag??


"I just don't want things to go back to how they used to be....I don't...know if you know what I'm saying,"

"More than you know," I scoffed.

He looked at me for a second and gave me this weird look, for just a second though, and then his face become unreadable.

"Do you have ice in the fridge?" He asked, turning to face the mini fridge.

"Yeah, I think so," I said, and he slowly got up. He pulled a pack of ice out of the fridge, and sat back down.

"Our team lost, we were going to leave but then those guys came was stupid," he shook his head.

I looked into his beautiful fukcing grey eyes, and felt my heart beat rise...but this time, It wasn't a bad feeling, when suddenly the door swung open, and I heard a high pitched voice nearly scream.

"Oh my god, Aiden, your here!!" I narrowed my eyes, looking up at Michaela.


"You have no idea ugh I was so scared, are you alright?"

She said, and I mentally rolled my eyes.
Wait why?

"I'm fin-

"oh my god. And thank you so much,"

"It's fine,"

"Are you sure you're okay?"
I then remembered that they were apparently good friends. Just friends...right?
Well whatever its not like I care anyway.....RIGHT?

"I'm fine, I'll be back in a minute," Aiden's said, getting up and walking out of the room.

"Hayley...hi.." she said, with a fake smile planted on her face.

I nodded and gave her a small smile.

" you...?" She asked.

"I'm alright,"

She sighed. "I actually don't know how Aiden is here so often, does it not like bring back memories or trigger him or something?"


"You know, from sophmore year...?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, feeling weirdly insecure.

"Oh..did he not...tell you?......oh god, I shouldn't have said anything...uhm"

I narrowed my eyes at her,

"I...shouldn't probably leave....I will see you later," she said, and walked away.

Moments later Aiden walked back in, and fell back onto chair.


"Hmm?" He looked at me,

"Can I ask you something?" I said hesitantly,

He narrowed his eyes at me, and turned to face me, "yeah, what's up?"

"My father used to h-

Jacob and Ryan walked through the door, interrupting me, and my mind was suddnely occupied with them now.

Ryan was talking about the game, and telling us what happened after Jacob and Aiden left.

After a while, Levi and Scarlett came in as well. After talking about the wild night they'd had for at least an hour, we got food, and just sort of hung out.

Weirdly a small part of me felt like I was missing out on things. I mean other than the fact that my movement was restricted greatly, I wasn't at the game today, and I didn't really know what happened.

Michaela was also in my head, I kept thinking about what she said, and It was not a great feeling.


Hii what is uppp. How's everything been lately!! I have my finals coming really soon and I'm shit scared cause I dont know anythinggg.

Dreamland [editing]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें