thiry four

319 22 9

"It's going to be fine Hayley, I asked your friends to come to the gate, and I will call you everyday, and I'll come here to meet you whenever you want," my mom said, squeezing my palm with her hand.

"It's not that..I just..."

"Don't think too much, everything is going to be fine, it'll just take sometime to get used to it,"

I sighed, and got out of the car, pulling my cruches out as I did so.

"Jonesss," I heard from not too far away, and looked around, seeing Levi and Scarlett fast walking towards me.

I looked at them and gave them a small smile, walking towards the open trunk of my mother's car.

By the time I reached the back, Levi picked up my haversack bag and flung it onto his shoulders.

"I can take my own bag," I said softly, sort of annoyed.

"Yes ma'am, but you keep tripping over things normally, I can only imagine what would happen now, " he said, and I chuckled. "Shut up,"

It was mid-day, so not many students were outside, which made it less awkward for me to walk through campus. I was tired and annoyed, and so I decided to not attend any of my classes, so went straight to my room.

I had had lunch not that long ago, and my eyes were shutting so I decided to nap.
It was a pretty chaotic nap, my head was in a weird place, and I woke up hearing faint chatter around me.

"I think so, but not for too long,"

"Last year was bad for her,"

I heard, slipping back into my dream.

Next thing I knew, I suddenly jolted up in my bed, taking unstable, fast breaths in, until I was finally actually awake, and looked around the room.

I saw Scarlett, Jake and Aiden, staring at me like I was on fire or something.

"Hey, you okay?" Scarlett asked softly.

I blinked for a second and sighed, pulling my dry lips apart. "Fine.." I said, meeting Aiden's eyes. He studied my face for a second before giving me a soft reassuring smile.

"What's the time?" I asked seconds later.

"6ish, you want to go eat?" Scarlett asked.

I frowned, feeling my eyes sting as I thought about the unfortunate reality that my days from here on were Ryan going to suck.

I could still barely move, the lack of working out would inevitably mess with my mental state, and being locked in my bedroom would most definitely not be fun.

"Sure.." I mumbled sitting up.

I sort of wanted to talk with Aiden, figure out why he was being so distant, and shake off the feeling that he knew too much about me, so hated me now. As much as I knew it was not rational, I couldn't help but wonder.

I got up slowly, and followed the other out the room, as we made it to the elevator, and then cafeteria.

Aiden and I were getting our food when I decided to just fucking talk to him about it.

"Aiden..." I said softly.

"Hmm? Jake is going for practice after dinner, I was wondering if you want to come over to study," he said.

"..sure," I smiled. Aiden took my tray from my hands as I struggled to walk with my crutches, and I let out an unhappy sigh.

We went back to the table where everyone else was, and sat.

"Heyy Jones," Ryan and Jacob said, they hadn't seen me earlier today.

I raised my eye brows at them, acknowledging them.

I sat down and sighed again, clenching my jaw painfully, as I twisted the ring on my finger.

"Jones..." Scarlett said softly, and I looked up at her as the guys got lost in conversation.

"I...things are going to get better, I promise...I know you like being super free or whatever, and it feels like you aren''s just one more month and-

"Thanks Scarlett," I said, squeezing her palm.

I didn't eat much, but once I was done, I pushed my tray away, and placed my face on my palm, slowly shutting my eyes.

Everything was going fine, until from a above me I heard a high pitched squeal, an unfamiliar one, and looked up, seeing Aiden, very affectionately hugging a tall, blonde girl.

"Cassidy what the fuck?" He said softly, and as he did, I felt an uncomfortable feeling grow from the bottom of my stomach.

Just by the way he spoke to her, and looked at her, I knew that he liked her in a way he didn't like many people, and for a moment there, I felt really
fucking small.

But here's the thing. Ever since my father died, my mom stopped being a mother, and Asher....I don't like having other people control the way I think and feel.

My friends obviously have a huge place in my heart, but a part of me still tries to block then out, just incase they turn on me. It's not as big as it sounds, and maybe it's not related to my parents and Asher, but I think having expected from people always ends badly.

With Aiden, I feel like the only reason he does seem to sort of have an effect on me, is because of the fact that he was there when I woke up. I belive there's a scientific reason for feeling closer to someone when your in a scary place with them.

They slowly released the hug, and the girl chuckled.

"Hey," she said softly, catching everyone's attention.

The others seemed to know her as well, some of them got up, it was weird.

Why do I keep meeting people like this.

"Cassy? Oh my god," Scarlett said,

I looked at Levi, who had a unreadable expression on his face. His eyes flickered to mine, and he flashed me a soft smile.

", you guys look the same," she chuckled.

"Jones, this is Cassidy, Cassidy, Jones," Scarlett said, and I looked up at her. She smiled at me, and I smiled back.


"Who is she?" I asked Scarlett, as we walked back to the room.

"...Aiden's ex-girlfriend," she said softly.

Dreamland [editing]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin