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After I got my cast off my leg, things in my began to slowly fall back into place, like they were before the accident.

I started doing very light excersize and moving around, and went for all my physiotherapy sessions. After a lot of convincing and multiple conversations which ended with me shedding a couple of tears, the joined efforts of Aiden and my mom insisted that I see a doctor about my mental health, so I finally did.

The Eddie's outlet never re-stcocked my favorite baked cheesecake, because apparently the outlet was too small and it was not cost effective or some nonsense, and again, I almost cried about it. On Christmas, Aiden got me for secret Santa, and got me some of that cheesecake, for which I am eternally grateful.

My contract with the artist agency was going pretty good. They got me small gigs here and there, and it really helped keep me motivated, and pushed me to work even when I didn't feel like.

Everything at school was going fine too. I avoided Cassidy, and she finally stopped bothering me when Micheala finally stood up to her, and the two of them began sabotaging each other.

It was currently the end of the school year. Our final exams went on okay, most of the students were sure about their collage plans, and the Westwood high Campus was empty.

Adien's sister Emma, was getting married. They were having a destination wedding and we were all invited. They didn't pay entirely for us though. I used a lot of the money that I got from my art contract, and the others all had some stored from before, along with a couple bets they'd placed at the Stag.

The plan was, the six of us were going to this place called Hudson falls, which was conveniently very close to the hotel in which the wedding would take place.
After the wedding, we were either going to camp in tents, or stay at Aidens Beach house for a couple more days, before heading back.

I found it weird that no one else from his family was planning on staying at the beach house, but I guess they preferred a fancy 5 star hotel.

"Levi we're going to be fucking late," Jake yelled from the bottom step.

I texted my mom, told her I'm leaving, and stood up, holding my suitcase beside me.

"I need change to buy chocolate at the airport," Levi yelled back.

"I have change,"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier," Levi yelled, hopping down the stairs.

"Okay, is everyone ready?" Jake yelled.

"Yessir," Aiden said, getting up from the couch and stuffing his phone in his pocket.

He was wearing grey sweatpants, and a dark blue jumper on top of his well fitting black t-shirt.

"Jake will you calm down the flight is in 3 hours," Levi said.

"Yeah and it takes like a hour to get to the airport, and we haven't eaten Lunch!" He said, and I let out a small laugh at how serious he was.

We all made our way out of my house, and got into the cab that had been waiting there for about half an hour, and we began our drive to the airport.

The drive there was chaotic at best. Levi was on the phone with some girl he was sort of talking to. Jake wouldn't shut up about some football game, Scarlett was playing really loud music and kept switching between songs before they even started and I just really needed some coffee in me. Other than that, I was positive that there was something important that I had forgotten about.

After 5 more hours of an equaly chaotic flight, we reached. I stopped out of the flight, feeling the warm evening glow hit my face as I took in my unfamiliar surroundings.

I was so excited and so glad that that this was finally happening. I was finally done woth high-school. I did it, I made it. I was finally traveling again. My leg was healed, my lungs were almost there. And I was with my friends. Through it all, the best friends anyone could ask for.

"Uhh finally," Scarlett said, hopping off the flight and scrunching up her eyes at the sun, covering her forehead with her palm.

"Finally," I sighed happily.

"Wooo Hudson falls in just an hour drive from here!!" Levi yelled happily.

He swung his arm around my shoulder, and hopped, and I tripped, chuckling.

"I want a burrito, since you wanted Mexican rice let's go get Mexican food!"

"Man, are you not tired," Jacob asked sleepily. "Jones give me back my sweater," he added.

"Hey what, it's my sweater," I said,

"No I gave it to you on Christmas, to borrow," he said rubbing his eyes.

"No what?.........oh...oh..shit...oops, my bad," I mumbled.

"God why the fuck was the a/c on full swing the entire time. My ears are gonna fall off," Ryan complained.

Ears are gonna fall off?

"Why would your ears fall off?" Levi asked.

"Frost bite," Aiden said, yawning.

"Ooooohh," Levi and I hummed in synchronization.

"Hello?" Ryan said into his phone, which began ringing.

"Okay, great. We'll be there soon, thanks," he said and hung up. "Our van in ready, we need to go pick it up,"

"I'll go," I suggested,

Jake and Aiden said they'd come as well, so Scarlett, Levi and Ryan found a café and got us coffee, and the three of us walked to the rental store.

"What time's the check in at Hudson falls?" I asked.

"6, we have 2 hours," Jacob said.

The walk to the retal place was pretty short. Aiden and Jacob were sleepy, and frankly, a little grumpy, so it was just me talking most of the time, and Jacob groaning everytime I shoved him in the shoulder because he wasn't listening to me.

"Aye, we should rent bikes," Jake said, once we reached. "There's a great road, we could-

"No no no no," I complained. I don't know why, I was just very against they idea .

"We'll take turns, I want to bike man," Jake said.

"You can do that layer," I said.

"No, I'm with Jake, that sounds great,"

"Ugh, fine, but I'm not driving the van," I said.

We finally ended up getting two bikes along with the van, and they said I can bike first because I was so against it, and it let's keep this between us, but it was extremely fun, and I have a new interest for bikes.

I didn't end up driving the van for a while though, during which Levi, Scarlett and I were screaming out lungs out to ACDC, the Beatles, and Kiwi by Harry styles.


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