35: Iruka and Team 7

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"We chunin was task to welcome the examinees who pass the exam. So... Congratulations, you pass the exam," Iruka said.

"But... What will happen to us if we open the scroll without getting the other scroll?" Sakura ask nervously.

"Well, you see, Sakura, this test is to test you how will you see how difficult a mission all the way thru. Simply put, you knew opening the scroll was against the rules of your mission. And if you try one..." Iruka make a serious face to the three of them.

"If the scroll was open, you are order to knockout whoever open it. Some ninja will find it the hard way," Sasuke continue. Iruka felt so shock to what Sasuke said but composed himself and clear his throat.

"Sasuke is right, we are order to put them into a deep sleep until the Exam was done," Iruka reply.

"You test us how we will lead a mission without our teacher," Sasuke added and Iruka just nodded.

"How intelligent he really is? That kind of intellect is really fit for being a Chunin," Iruka thinks. Sakura remember about the writing on the wall so she pointed it.

"Oh yes, Iruka-sensei, what is that writing on the wall mean? The parchment letters is kinda written there that difficult to understand," Sakura said confusely.

"It is a instructions that a chunin needs to follow, Sakura-chan. It was a quote came from Shodaime-sama and passed to Nidaime-sama. Then Nidaime-sama passed it to Jiji. Heavens stands for mind and earth for your body. "If qualities of heaven are your desire, acquire wisdom and knowledge to take your mind higher. It means, if your weakness lays in your intellect, then you need to double your effort to get more knowledge to sharpen your mind. Just like me. Its hard for me to sit idle and read a thick book but I learn easily if it was being thought physically and visual. I have more physical strength than intelligence," Naruto added. Sasuke roll his eyes secretly. His little brother is underestimating his abilities.

Did he even ask why he become a Hokage, twice, if he is not intelligent enough? His brother is too cunning since he always have the twisted mind leading to make him unpredictable from the enemies point of view. Even he himself, he still find Naruto hard to read than others.

"If Earthly qualities are what you lack, train your body in the fields and prepare to attack. It means, if your weakness lays in your physical strength, then you have to work hard to your physical conditioning everyday every single day so you will improve all the time. Just like you, you can probably stay sitting somewhere and read a thick books all day. You absorbs information like a sponge and you have a wide analytical mind. Aside from that, you can immediately find an answer to a question where it is too hard for others but because of your wide knowledge, you can assess it. But you're struggling to your physical abilities thats why you train extra hard compare us," Naruto explain. Sakura blush to Naruto's criticism to her. Naruto is right, she has a wide variety of knowledge as it was her hobby even before she become a certified Kunoichi. Sasuke nodded as Naruto is right to what he says. Sakura's intelligence can par to an 8 year old Nara's mind. It means she has above average intelligence to our peers.

When both Heaven and Earth are open together, the path of peril, will revert to the righteous path forever. It means, if your mind and body are working together as one. Then even a very dangerous mission can become an easy one. The missing letters is the one you need to fill in. Mostly it is your Ninja way. The best example of it is Sasuke. He had both Mind and Body as tools to being ninja. He can learn easily and train easily. And he was the reason why our team is balance," Naruto ended with a grin. It is his intention when he created the quote, to fill the weakness of every Ninja he have.

Iruka on the other hand, blink twice as he had an hallucination of the Yondaime being in his front talking about the rules. She shook his head and smile. It seems that Naruto finally taking his study seriously aside from his training.

"Wow! I-I didn't expect you to know it," Iruka said awkwardly. He scratch his cheeks using pointed finger.

"Sensei, being close to the Hokage had a lot of perks," Naruto grin again. Well, he himself is a Hokage. Not just once but twice.

"Oh! Right! Last thing, this survival test is to test your abilities as chunin. A chunin is a leader, a guide. It is a chunin responsibility to stay aware of the strengths and weaknesses of those who are under him. And to know whats skills in training those ninja are going needed in order to succeed on a mission. So finally, I finish my speech here. Again congratulations to you, Team 7," Iruka said and smile. But he look to Naruto worriedly.

Sasuke saw it so he smile. It seems that this Chunin is genuinely cares to his little brother. So he decided to add him to his nice to Otou-otou list.

"Iruka-sensei, if you are worried to Naruto, don't be. He may appear like a dumb stupid brat!" Naruto fumingly look to Sasuke.

"Oy! Teme!" Naruto shouted.

"But he's not. Have you forgotten him infiltrating the ANBU HQ just to make fun of them and not being caught? Or the time that he gratified the Hokage Monument in broad of daylight wearing his ridiculous kill me orange jumpsuit? How about the time he skillfully sneak the itching power to all of the Academy Teacher who lecture him and almost kick him out the academy except you, without all of you knowing how he did it? He can take care of himself because many things happen in 6 months we become Genin," Naruto blush to the compliment of his big brother and Iruka widen his eyes and smile. His eyes become watery but he force his tears back.

"Right, you just need to relax because you have free four days. There is a room in second floor. Good luck to your team," Iruka leave the team 7 using shunshin.

This story will end when the time jump from Naruto to Naruto Shippuden happen. It means first half is finish and their will be a book two. But for now, I decided not to write it for the mean time since I'm too busy.

Snow Uzumaki

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