28: New System

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While Naruto is dealing the paperworks with his Wood Clones, he was reviewing a lot of reports from his ANBU team since he put them a lot in a mission.

Naruto also slowly planning everything he was going to do after the invasion and one of them are the new system of Academy. He felt that the teaching inside the Academy is lacking a lot since the chance of producing a numbers of Genins each year is only 33% which us quiet few.

He wanted every ninja of Konoha to be un top qualities.

"Naruto-kun, how was your day?" He look at who spoke and smile with a greet.

"Jiji, how was your retirement?" Naruto grin which makes Hiruzen laugh.

"Well still a lot of things to do since I am holding the Sarutobi Clan Seat. We just met a while ago, how come you are now here?" Hiruzen ask.

"I send a Shadow Wood Clone to deal that geezer council. That meeting are not that important as what I was personally doing," Naruto said which makes Hiruzen laugh.

"It seems that being Hokage is really fitting to you. You can even multitask unlike me that never even knows that Shadow Clones will help me deal that monster," Naruto grin and nodded.

"Speaking of visit, what do you think about this proposal?" Naruto give Hiruzen the file of Shikamaru's proposal.

It takes quite a lot of time before he finish it.

"It was actually brilliant idea. With the back up of Invasion, no one outside the Konoha will question the drastic changing we will do," Hiruzen said with a smile.

"Basically, D-Rank Mission will be put into Academy Students which will give them enough experience to interact to different people not just one. They will also acquire a lot of experience as a pre-ninja not only that but also they will have there own money. Aside from that, I let Shika to change the curriculum of the Academy," Naruto smile and explain the curriculum.

"First year will only be completely history, statistical activities, skill testing, reading and writing test, knowledge testing, and last but not the least, introduction of Ninja world," Naruto said which confuse Hiruzen to the last part.

"Introductuon of Ninja world? Why?" Hiruzen ask.

"Jiji, in first year, we let them to choose if they will continue or not. We will tell them the consequences, their responsibilities, and the things they need to do even if the don't want too. In that case, we can prevent a children die prematurely," Naruto said with a smile. Hiruzen see the whole point so he nodded.

"The second year, we will develop their instinct, stamina, and basically, we will train the children for solely Taijutsu only. We will include the fighting with blindfolds, lack of sense fighting, and in the last three months of the year, we will introduce the basic weapon art fighting," Hiruzen again nodded.

"The third year will be a combination of Genjutsu, and weapon art fighting. This part of years we will also Identify who will have a good chakra control and put up a medical course too to them. But medical ninjutsu will be optional but all of them are required to have a basic first aid skills. Aside from that, this third year will be the start of having D-Rank Missions," Naruto added and pointed the part of it.

"Fourth year will be the ninjutsu part, the three basic Academy jutsu and we will include Basic Chakra control like Wall walking, tree walking, water walking, Leaf exercise, and some defensive technique to protect their lives," Naruto grin and put the last file to Hiruzen.

"Fifth years will test if they can fit in Kenjutsu, Senjutsu, Fuinjutsu, Iryo Ninjutsu, Time-space Ninjutsu or Shurikenjutsu. Anyone who wanted to specialize to this will require to have another year aside from the fifth year. Then we will increase the activity from what they learn from second year to fourth year," Hiruzen laugh it means they will have a lot of specialize ninjas specially people who are too dedicated to become ninjas.

"And their last year is internship. They will need to know how the whole Village system works. They will have tours and lectures in every field that the Village had. Then in the last month of this year, they will be a part of fake A-Rank Mission inside my second dimensional seal where they will be lead by one my team's Durable Clones," Naruto grin because of satisfaction that this curriculum gave him.

"Meaning, we will have a high percentage of having exceptional ninjas after this six years of Academy training," Naruto nodded and smile.

"How about their assign group?" Hiruzen ask.

"Now that the D-Rank Mission will free the genins, Genins will now started to take the C-B rank mission which was the assign mission for Chunins. In this way, it will free a lot of Chunins we have. Having the large free for Chunins and being the second rank that had a lot of numbers, we decided to make them a teachers instead of Jounins. And since Chunins are not that seasoned as Jounins who can handle three individuals, we will have a one-on-one teaching between Chunins and Genins which means..." Naruto grin and let Hiruzen continue the next paragraph.

"The Jounins will be free from teaching Genins so they will be an enough man power to take a lot of high class mission and more mission means more money will go inside," Hiruzen can't help but to admire how they will manipulate this plan.

"Well, thanks to combine brain of Shikamaru, Sasuke and mine," Naruto laugh as he was looking forward to see the village to be more prosper.

"Lee should be finish to the new seal with Jiraya-jiji. This will tightly put the defense of Konoha. Shino also finish lay outing the emergency routes we have. We'll put much more traps and last but not the least, its time to eradicate the Civilian Council's power," Naruto said and smirk.

"This will be a long Political Battle, Naruto-kun," Hiruzen smile and they chat more out of their job's topic.


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