11: Suna And Oto

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They stop few minutes after they cross the Tenchi Bridge. They are now in the boarder of Hidden Grass Village. After they stop, Fox use a silence seal and invincible seal. He start to make a woods out of nothing and Crow use fire to create a bonfire.

"If your worried for us being captured, you can relax. I use two seals so no one will see nor hear us," Fox said in monotone.

"So our plan is to gather much deep intel to Suna. Spymaster Jiraya told the Hokage about the anomaly of the Kazekage about a Month ago. He can't dig out as it was too dangerous since the security of Suna ever since that day, increase," Fox said while reading the red scroll that had a kanji of Rank SSS.

"Cheetah digs another information, between the time we prepare a while ago. According to him, Suna had an insane and unstable Jinchuriki. Which is the Jinchuriki of Ichibi no Tanuki. The Daimyo of Wind Country didn't want to support the Suna anymore not until their Jinchuriki is tamed. Aside from that, the Jinchuriki of Ichibi also kill a lot of people in estimated age 5-13 year old. He had an ultimate defense which is the Sand. Has a bloodline of Magnet Release," Kakashi had the conclusion now.

"So they are desperate to seek resources? Which can be a threat in near future. So the Hokage wanted to gather intel about it?" Crow and Fox nodded.

"Aside from that, Spymaster Jiraya told the Hokage that Sabaku Rasa known as the Fourth Kazekage was seen with Orochimaru, a Rank-S rouge ninja from Konohagakure," Kakashi got a headache after hearing it.

"The level threat rise in a whole new level if he was seen by Orochimaru. Had an 80% chance that they might do something in future," Kakashi said with his deduction.

"Don't forget the Chunin Exam as the next host is Konoha," Crow added.

Kakashi now manage to put the puzzle piece. It seems that the next Chunin Exam is quite dangerous.

"Dog, if you manage to get a group this year, let them enter the Chunin. In my conclusion, you'll have the team 7. From my deduction, it will be consist of the Last Uchiha and the Last Uzumaki-Namikaze and the only daughter of Haruno-san, because she was the kunoichi of the year," Fox seriously said.

"Are you serious? If I really get a team this year, there is no way I'll let them enter that exam!" Kakashi burst out.

"Thats why we ANBU Elite Team 7 will have an undercover and pretend to be a Genin during that time. We will promise to make sure that your team as well as the others will be safe. I will bet my whole Ninja career if someone died in our Konoha Genins," Fox determinedly said.

"Fine, just make sure about that!" Both nodded.

"Now whether we like it or not, we only have two path choice reach the Wind Country. Either we enter the boarder of Amegakure or use the path in Earth Country," both path are near to Wind Country Boarder but also both country had a level of threat since they will come in their boarder without permission.

"Level threat?" Crow ask.

"Ame is rumored to be the base of Akatsuki. Plus rain had something to that place. It can detect us without knowing even we use seals. Earth Country must be safe but we might encounter the people we had bad blood. The Hokage order us not to engage any battles," Both Crow and Kakashi had a headache again. This both path is too dangerous.

"Why don't we go back and use the River County as a path?" Crow ask. The River Country is at the south area, it was actually time consuming.

"We have to get there before the sun goes up right? Its too dangerous if we arrive their with the sun is up," the three of them are now in dilemma. They actually don't know what to do.

"Use the sky as a path," Kurama said who still in his sleeping form.

"Oh right! How can I forgot it. Lets use the sky as a path," Crow wanted to smack his head but immediately use his Spiritual Chakra. Now they will use Ninshuu to fly.

"I'll take Dog," Crow inform.

Now both of them fly towards the boarder of Earth Country since they will need a lot of effort to deal the Rain in Ame.

A pure white aura emits to the two. Although Kakashi was only holding Crow's hand, he felt as if he was flying on his own. Now the Crox duo just perform a great Technique.

"How can you fly? Is this another bloodline?" Kakashi ask.

"No, everyone can fly if they want to. Even you can fly. We can teach you if you want," Fox said.

"It will be an honor," Kalashi muttered.

In few minute, they reach the Sunagakure and manage to sneak inside. While flying a while ago, he put some seals to Kakashi so that his Chakra will be hidden. Now long after they saw a kid on their peers was mercilessly killing a bunch of Suna Ninja.

"Gaara!" Both Crow and Fox shouted. Gaara widen his eyes seeing his two friends was back.

"Fox! Crow!" Gaara greeted.

Their meeting is actually too short. He didn't told them about his demon and now the two was back and saw what he did, it means they already know about him.

"So you are the Jinchuriki of Ichibi?" Fox ask. Gaara hesitately nodded and look pitiful to the two.

"Dog do your job now and make sure to summarize the report about their Jounins and Chunin," Kalashi nodded and vanish.

"Why didn't you tell us? We could help you," Crow said.

"I-I'm afraid that you'll leave me," he said. He almost cry but Fox and Crow vanish and they appear outside the Suna Village.


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Gaara and Reports

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