10: Last Mission Before Graduation

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"Class, Next week will be your graduation exam. So be prepare for it. Anyways we will discuss the Elite ANBU of Konoha named Shadow of Konoha. Did someone knows about this group?" Sakura immediately raise her hand which give the six members of it had an interest. Choji still eating while Shikamaru stared to them lazily. Hinata meekly stare but amuze to her. Shino is still stoic as ever. Then the Naruto and Sasuke amusingly stare to him. It was seen by the four which makes them wanted to laugh.

"The Shadow of Konoha is the Team 7 of ANBU Elite. It consist of seven members which was the reason why they are team 7," Sakura explain first. The members of SOK look to her confusely since it was just a coincidence that their no is 7 and they consist of seven. They just shrugged and continue to listen.

"All of them have their own Bloodlines specially Fox and Crow whose member of the Crox Duo who had a multiple bloodline. Owl is the strategist, Tiger is the medic nin, Lion is the defender, Cheetah is the Intel, Hawk is the tracker," Sakura added. Another confusing look to her.

Cheetah, or Lee didn't have a bloodline since he can't use Ninjutsu and Genjutsu. He was the fastest sub member of SOK because Fox and Crow is the fastest with their own time-space jutsu and natural speed. Both of them are monster in their eyes.

"Aside from that, no one really knows who is the members of Shadow of Konoha because they are too Enigmatic and private person. They defend the Konoha from Shadow and they are our hero," Sakura bow and smile to Sasuke.

"I did it! Cha! I hope Sasuke-kun will be impress," Inner Sakura said.

"Very good, Sakura," then Iruka discuss their abilities and their Ranks.


Shadow of Konoha had another rank SSS mission today so they need to be complete. Their mission it to get an intel about the new Village name Otogakure. Aside from that, they need to gather intel about Suna.

They all gather near at the Tower in the Forest of Death. All them are in their ANBU gear while their mask is hanging to their head.

"The Hokage only gives us a few information since this Village only popped up last 3 years and only become an official Village last year. A lot of their Genins and Jounin was seen using scientific tools that merge to their bodies. Aside from that, all the scientific tool's power is base on sound," Shikamaru said. His lazy demanour is gone and change into his ANBU Strategist demanour.

"Cheetah, Hawk, you'll be the assign team to gather the structure inside that village. Hawk make sure to map the whole place from emergency route, entrance, exit and structures. Cheetah, map the structure of their political power specially leaders, Jounins, ANBU's economy status, weapons and their two R's, (rules and regulation)" Fox said using his Captain voice.

"Tiger, Lion, stand by and observe the exterior structure of this Village while Owl, you'll be the one to summarize whole fiasco. We'll be the one to take care the Suna's plan. Make sure not to left any traces and work neatly!" Fox said all of them nodded and put their mask on their faces.

Meanwhile, Kakashi actually see the SOK with their mask. He was too disappointed not to see their faces but he completely become shock when he felt a Kunai to his neck.

"Its rude to eardrop our conversation, Hatake-san," he look who speak and put Kunai to his neck. Its none other than, Fox. The leader of SOK.

"Fox..." he gulp to the bloodlust that Fox leak. He was actually ashame to himself being scared to his fellow ANBU. He become an ANBU Captain before but still scared to this fellow Captain.

"I didn't mean to invade your privacy, Fox-san. It was just to coincidental that I went here to seek calmness," Kakashi tried so hard not to let Fox saw his fear.

"Want to come to our mission?" Kakashi blink once, then twice seeing Fox offer to join, he gladly accept it. It was a honor to be with this group.

"Then, meet us midnight outside the gate. If your late, we'll depart without you," Then Fox vanish making him sigh long. He can't believe that he will go with the SOK.

By then, Fox inform his team about Kakashi being with them for 3 days. The others didn't complain as Fox's reasoning is good.

So when midnight comes, Kakashi was actually the fist one to arrive. He was clearly excited at the same time, nervous since he was with this group.

He is the tallest among them but looks like much more experience than him. Crow (Sasuke) gave him an earpiece before they travel.

They are clearly not using their fastest pace but Kakashi just barely take there speed.

After just an hour, Fox (Naruto) signal everyone to stop.

"Tiger, kilometers?" Fox ask. Tiger (Hinata) made a Ram hand sign and use her Byakugan to know their location and kilometers before they arrive in Otogakure.

"2km before we arrive to VotE (Valley of the End) another 2km before the target location," Tiger report.

"Good, Hawk, do your job now," Hawk (Shino) nodded and they started to run again. Kakashi don't know what Hawk did but he didn't ask.

"Dog, I'll tell you what you'll do to engage our plan," He was not surprise when Fox said his codename when he was an ANBU. He just nodded to him and ready to help this kids.

In another hour, they reach the target location. Crow nodded to them.

"Remember the goals, we are only here to gather intel. Do not engage any fights and use the seals to surpass your chakra," Fox reminder.

All of them nodded. Cheetah (Lee) and Hawk (Shino) is the first one to vanish then just a second, Tiger (Hinata) and Lion (Choji) follow.

"We'll go now, owl," Fox (Naruto) said. Another nod from Owl and he vanish.

"Lets go team!" Crow (Sasuke) said and run towards the east direction with Fox (Naruto) and Dog (Kakashi).


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