Chapter 24: Red Eye

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Killian's POV

I let out a deep sigh as I ran my fingers through my hair and started at the newest addition to my desk; a photo of Loren and myself on the night of our second date. Her perfect smile shining against the neon lights of the ice cream shop, the ice cream slowly melting and dripping onto her tiny fingers. Her beauty radiated against the dirty building and parking lot yet it was the most perfect picture of her.

How I wish I could be with her in this moment instead of being surround by such idiots. The only reason why I was in the office on a Saturday was because somebody had fucked up and I was here to fix it. Since I met Loren, I barely even came to the office on the weekend. I wanted to give her all of my attention and these tedious tasks right now were keeping me away from that.

"I want him fired." I broke the silence and looked up at Adam who was sitting across from me. A few seconds later he nodded his head in agreement. "This shouldn't have gone through him. How could somebody miss such a large red flag!" I slammed my fist on the table.

"Ian, nothing good is going to come from breaking another desk. The investigation has already started and he's been put on leave." Adam annoyingly yet truthfully spoke. Every year I go through about 5 or so desks but this year I had a new record of 12. It was almost the end of the year and I didn't really feel like dealing with another office renovation.

"Fucking idiot..." I muttered under my breath and Adam laughed in agreement. A knock on the door grabbed our attention as Val walked in and behind her was the sweetest surprise.

"Mr. East, you have a visitor" She smiled and turned back around. Val knew that I hated walk-ins with the exception of Loren. Instantly a smile made its way to my face when I saw her beautiful face, a shy smile displayed across it. She thanked Val as she shut the door and walked in further carrying a tray of drinks from the cafe we first met.

"Hey Loren, long time no see" Adam stood from his chair and took the tray from her, giving her a big hug. Usually I would already be across the room shoving daggers into Adam's eyes for even thinking of touching her but he was my best friend and I knew his intentions weren't ill.

"Hi Adam," She squeezed him back and smiled at him. Loren and Adam had gotten to know each other but not as well as I had hoped. Adam had been different for the last few months since he broke things off with his Fiancé after he arrived home early from a business trip only to find her in bed with another man.

"Hi baby" I looked down at the sweetest angel as she walked over to me and gave me a peck on the lips.

"I brought you guys some coffee, I figured you might want something good since you've been here all day" She offered as she handed the cups to us.

"I knew there was a reason why Ian was keeping you around!" Adam joked and Loren gave him a death glare and chuckled. "Hey im kidding im kidding!" He yelped out with his hands in the air making her laugh even more.

"How long do you guys think you'll be here tonight?" She asked with her big eyes silently begging me to say we were almost done.

"Hard to say darling, somebody fucked up big time and now we're trying to figure things out but hopefully sometime soon.." I spoke honestly and leaned on my desk. Her face fell long enough for me to see for a second and then instantly forced a small smile. She was always careful to be understanding of my work scheduled which I could never thank her enough for.

"Well now I know who wins the competition of me vs. job!" She joked "I'll be at my place then, I just wanted to drop in and see your cute face" she giggled and kissed my cheek. I pulled her closer to me by the waist which only made her giggle more. I heard Adam groan in the background which now made me laugh.

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