Chapter 64: Revisiting Destin

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Killian's POV:

"Is it because of what I did in Destin?" Loren questioned.

"What did you just say?" I snarled as a knot formed in my stomach. Was she still blaming herself for what those assholes had done to her?

I stared at Loren who just stood in her place while her thumb fidgeted with the silky fabric of her dress, staring at the corner of the desk that I was leaning on.

"Nothing" she finally whispered and turned to walk towards the couch.

I closed my eyes, let out a deep breath, and sat my cup down onto the desk. I opened my eyes again and tried my best to relax my tensed shoulders before opening my mouth again.

"Talk to me" I tried to sound as gentle as possible as I walked in her direction and sat on the edge of the couch, my head bowed as my elbows rested on my knees.

"No," She whispered and shook her head. In the time that I had known Loren, her worst trait was avoiding her problems like it was the plague. Something I wish she didn't do around me... I wanted to help her. 

"Okay then let me talk for you.." I tried to put myself in her shoes. "You blame yourself for being assaulted on the beach that day, and feel like I don't care about what happened because of what we did afterwards." I finished and without looking at me, gave a slight nod.

"It's not your fault Loren. I told you this already, and I will tell you it again every day for the rest of my life. It is never, ever, a woman's fault for being sexually assaulted. It doesn't matter what she said, what she wore, or what she did. Anything done without consent, no matter what the severity, is absolutely in need of some sort of punishment." She nodded her head again. I shook mine as I remembered that night. 

"Let me tell you something," I shook my head. "I actually wanted to beat those guys to a pulp. I wanted to follow them home that night and castrate them myself. I couldn't keep my mind off of the rage that I had for them, the only thing that could keep me somewhat composed was you."

"Composed" Loren cut me off and scoffed before I could say more.

"I guess punishment wasn't a very good word for what we did, I'll admit." I turned my head towards her. Her glossy green eyes stared straight ahead at the window in front of us as she bit her lip. After a few seconds she gently nodded her head and finally spoke.

"I understand where you're coming from" She leaned forward on the sofa and her deep brown hair fell in front of her shoulders, hiding her delicate face.

"I'm sorry my love," I leaned forward and brushed the strand of hair behind her ear just in time to watch a small tear stream down her cheek.

"It's okay." She finally whispered but I quickly cut her off.

"It's not. Don't even try to downplay it because it's not. It never will be." I squeezed my hand around my leg, still trying my best to give her space but finally succumbing to my temptations. "Come here" I whispered as I wrapped an arm around her, pulling her small body over myself until her legs dangled over my lap. She rested her head on my chest and grabbed onto my arm that held her tightly.

"I do have one piece of good news" I whispered into her hair and she tilted it up to look at me.

My blood boiled as I thought about what happened to her on the beach. The entire day was all fun and games until they laid a hand on her, ultimately humiliating and exposing her.

*** Months Earlier ***

I watched as she tossed a ball around with them, chuckling to myself because I could've taught her way better. Loren didn't know what was coming for her tonight. If she wanted to have some fun and make me jealous then she could be my guest. But only with somebody I approved of.

I shifted in my seat as I realized that something didn't look right. One of the guys lingered behind her, not really participating in the game. I stood to get a better view and just then she stumbled back into the drunk bastard who brought his hands up and pulled the strings of her bikini undone. I Immediately started running her way, weaving in between the beach umbrellas.

"Hey!!" I yelled out as I watched Loren bend over causing her bikini top to fall off and the pigs cheered. My blood boiled further as I watched the drunk bastard snatch her top from her like a game of keep away, pulling her arm open to expose herself.

Dammit Loren why did I let you go so far down the beach. I sprinted even faster as he wrapped his arms around her and watched her struggle to get away from him. 

"Let go of me!" She screamed when I finally reached them and he tossed her to the floor. In the next second I was turning him towards me and my fist made contact with his jaw, causing the piece of shit fell to the ground. I had to restrain myself from doing anything more.

"You call this piece of shit your friend? You're okay with this? Don't even bother to fucking stop him as he exposes her, gropes her, and drags her around?" I yelled instead. "This is a private beach and last time I checked, none of you were booked to stay here. So I strongly recommend you get the fuck off my property as the police have already been called and are on their way now".

It took every ounce in me to control my anger. I couldn't show Loren this side of me. God I could just beat this piece of shit to a pulp. But I wont.

Within seconds they were all off of the beach and out of site. Loren finally looked up at me from the ground, sand sticked to her face where the tears were.

"And you," I finally breathed out, my heart beat pounding in my ears. "Back to the room, now."

*** Today ***

"That piece of shift, Kyle, is in jail now."

"What?" Loren's eyes grew to double in size. "How?"

What I hadn't told her was that I hired somebody to follow him. I knew that Loren wasn't his only victim. A week later they caught him drugging another girl at a bar, eventually taking her to an AirBNB to rape her. Turns out that girl wasn't his only victim either. Multiple other women stepped forward once the town found out. He was finally charged a week ago.

"Oh my god" Loren whispered after I told her. "Killian... Imagine how many women you saved".

"He won't be able to hurt you or anybody else for a long time. It is not your fault." I repeated and  kissed the top of her head. Taking a deep breath in, I pulled her closer and tightened my grip.


I was going to wait until I published this update but I felt bad leaving you guys on such a cliffhanger hahaha.

For a majority of this story we've been given Loren's POV we almost forget that there's a completely different story based off of Killian's POV. And I think that day was an important one to revisit and get his side of the story because it was a COMPLETELY different story.

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