Chapter 66: Domino's

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Loren's POV

"Bryce, please" I begged as he stood over me, a smug smile across his face.

"Bryce please" He mocked as he slammed yet another beer can onto the counter.

"You're drunk Bryce, come on let's just go to bed" I tried to reason with him but... reasoning with an alcoholic was near impossible. I flinched as he brought his hand up to my face but instead of slapping me, he placed his thumb on my chin and forced me to look up at him.

"What are you suggesting?" He whispered and cocked his head. When I didn't respond he just laughed and shook his head, dropping his hand back down to his side. "Clean up the kitchen" He mumbled as he walked back towards the living room.

My heart pounded in my ears in sync with every step he took, quieting down the farther away he got. When he was finally out of sight I released the breath I held for far too long.

I had just simply asked to go see my dad down in Florida for the weekend.

I looked at the multiple beer cans on the counter and counted out fourteen, just from today. I wiped a tear from my eye as I placed them into the recycling bin and wiped down the counter but was stopped in my tracks when I heard the sound of a phone buzzing. I turned around to see that Bryce had left his phone on the counter and was now lit up, an incoming call on it.


Domino's? Why would Domino's be calling Bryce? This couldn't be... a code name? Could it? I spent the next few minutes debating what I do next. Meanwhile, three more phone calls from Domino's came through, giving me more reason to be suspicious.

During the fourth call I decided to bring the phone to him. Maybe Bryce had actually applied to Domino's and was going to get a job there, maybe this phone call was important. I grabbed the phone and before I could change my mind, walked into the other room.

"What now, kitten?" Bryce looked up at me from the couch.

"You have a phone call" I responded barely loud enough to hear. My shoulders stiffened at the name he gave me when we first started dating. A name that once melted me but now scared me.

I showed Bryce who was calling and he instantly snatched the phone from me, stood from the couch, and walked out.

And at that moment, I knew.

"You ready?" Adam asked, pulling me away from my flashback.

"Oh um, yeah one second." I mumbled as I shook myself back to reality and zipped up my suitcase.

It had been almost a month since I last saw Killian and I this weekend we were supposed to reunite again. Except this time, we would be visiting my dad in Florida.

I fidgeted with nails as I checked my phone for the fiftieth time in the last hour.

"He'll be there" Adam reassured me as he picked up my suitcase but for some reason I couldn't help but feel like he wouldn't.

"Yeah" I forced out a smile and followed him out of my room. It had been almost two months since Killian left to learn his fathers business. It was a miserable two months but I knew Killian wanted to come back home just as much as I wanted him to, so that made me feel better.

"Okay so I will drop you off at the airport and when you get to Florida, there should be a driver already waiting for you. His name will be Warren. I'm not sure what Killian's plans are, but he should be meting you there. I'll let you know if anything changes." Adam reassured me during the car ride.

I double checked my purse for my passport and wallet which were both tucked away into a small pouch. I had also packed away some of George's cookies for Killian. I was sure he would love to have something from home.

I hugged Adam goodbye and started my trek through airport security. Just a few more hours until I was reunited with the two men I loved the most.

Those few hours flew by quick, literally, and before long the plane was descending down through dark clouds. I watched as a few lightning storms took place in the distance. As soon as we hit the ground I turned airplane mode off and waited for a text from Killian.

As I walked through the airport, the possibilities of why he wasn't texting me ran through my head and my heart sank. There were storms all throughout Florida, but Killian would've called me if he was stuck in a storm. Wouldn't he?

I grabbed my luggage from baggage claim and found a man in a black suit holding up a sign with Killian's name on it.

"Warren?" I asked and he nodded his head, offering to take my bags.

"Welcome, Ms. Richards. Are you ready to go?" He asked.

"No actually lets just wait a few minutes. Killian might show up." Warren nodded his head as if he didn't believe me. The more we stood there, the less I believed myself. After thirty minutes and a few missed phone calls I realized it. He wasn't coming.

Warren opened the small sedan's door for me and loaded my suitcase into the trunk. We continued onto a quiet car drive for the next thirty minutes while he brought me to Fort Myer's where my dad lived. A few silent tears fell down my cheeks as I watched the lightning storms in the distance. I couldn't believe it.

"Rennie!!!!" My dad greeted me with wide open arms as he walked out of the front door.

"Daddy!" I squealed and ran to hug him.

"It's been too long Ren" He breathed out as he hugged me tight. I smiled at the name he had called me for as long as I could remember. Now this was a nickname I didn't hate. "How was your flight? Do you need anything? Wait, where's the famous boyfriend?" My dad asked as he grabbed my suitcase from Warren and watched him leave.

"I, uh, I don't know" I replied honestly. Who knew where the famous boyfriend was.

My dad nodded his head and immediately turned around to bring my bag in. "Well then Ren, let's get you inside before it starts raining cats and dogs."

I walked through the door into the cutest little beach themed house. I hadn't been to my dads house in years and it was something that I greatly regretted. I

"I've missed you" My dad spoke as he set a bowl of vanilla ice cream in front of me. I smiled at the tradition he kept alive. No matter what, he always had to have his nightly bowl of ice cream.

"Good to know you still have your nightly bowl of ice cream" I giggled as I placed the frozen treat into my mouth.

"Don't you know me by now Ren?!" He exclaimed and laughed. "If there is one tradition I want to keep alive, it's this one!"

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it tight. "I've missed you too dad."

We finished our dessert and my dad gave me a tour of his house which had changed drastically since the last time I saw it. We ended at the guest room where I would be staying. Two towels shaped as sea turtles sat on the bed.

"Oh my god dad, did you make these?!" I squealed as I ran up to the turtles.

"I've picked up a few hobbies I guess you could say" He smiled in the doorway. "I'll let you get settled, I'm sure you're exhausted. Let me know if you need anything honey, sleep tight". I smiled as he shut the door and prepared my things for a shower.

I quickly rinsed myself of the flight I just had and as soon as I stepped out my attention shot to bed where my phone was vibrating. I almost slipped on the tile floor as I practically sprinted into the bedroom and pulled my phone out of my purse.

"Hello" I breathed into the phone once I picked it up.



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