Old Habits Die Hard

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This pair of sisters probably would've continued with this much longer if another sister hadn't shown up in town. Jolene showed up at their door. She was greeted by Beth yelling at an imaginary Harry to leave her alone,

"Jesus Fucking Christ," she says with a surprised smile on her face, "Who the hell are you?"

"What's Harry doing here?" Emilie said before she could see who was actually at the door.

Beth quietly muttered, "Jolene?"

Emilie's reaction was quite different from her sister she ran up and hugged Jolene. She quickly pulled back and after she did Jolene entered their mess of a house.

She brought somber news with her, Mr. Shaibel died and there was going to be a service, she had to come to tell them in person since they didn't answer her phone calls. Jolene stayed the night and they all caught up.


"It's a fucked up world and I'm not going to change it, I can't spend all my time teaching white girls how to hold a badminton racket,"

There were quiet chuckles from Beth and Emilie.

"You do make extremely valid points," Emilie added.

"Anyways, Lily what about you? Still drawing and writing those articles"

"Oh, you saw those?" Emilie was surprised, unlike with Beth her face wasn't in a lot of things.

"Well, I try to keep up with Beth so I bought a magazine and the article about Beth was also written by a Harmon, and Lily your drawings have improved a lot but I'd still know it anywhere," This filled both Harmons with a bit of pride, "Haven't seen one in a while,"

"Oh, I stopped writing when I got married," Emilie put the best cheery look on her face she could.

"Lady why would you do that they were good?"

"Her husband's a piece of shit," Beth chimed in.

"Anyways..." Emilie cut in, "what food do you guys want?"


"Best fucking mac and cheese I ever had," Beth said with her mouth full

"More about your man Lily!" Jolene said, "And why wasn't I invited to the wedding?"

"We eloped around Christmas time in New York,"

"New York? How'd you end up in New York?"

"I was visiting Beth,"

"Oh, so she was at a tournament," Jolene said thinking she understood, not knowing just how much she didn't.

"No, I was staying with Benny Watts," Beth interjected.

"He your boyfriend?"

"He's certainly something isn't that right Emmy?" Beth said to Emilie, still torturing her.

"Ok someone fill me in," Jolene demanded. Beth turned to directly address Jolene,

"Do you want the professional or unprofessional answer?"

"Cracker, just start talking,"

"Well, he is a pretty famous chess player who was helping me prepare," Beth paused, attempting to look Emilie in the eye when Emilie wouldn't meet her she continued on, "he's also the reason why Emilie eloped,"

"Like that answers anything?"

"And this topic is done," Emilie got up and started putting plates back in the kitchen even though they weren't done with their food, something was still different tonight besides Jolene's presence, neither of them had had a drink since she arrived, so the poison was slowly leaving their systems.

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆: 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒔 𝒙 𝑶𝑪जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें