Coda: Checkmate

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Beth Harmon had been the world champion for five years now, things had been right as rain for both Harmon sisters. Even if things hadn't been perfect the recent events had been so solidly good.

Emilie now had a solid job, surprising to most but she had been doing what she loved, she took back her place writing for those chess magazines. Her current articles were even more popular than they had been in the past. She had moved in with Benny very quickly, taking a quick trip to Kentucky to get her things and brought everything back.

Benny continued to do what he wanted, playing chess and going up against Beth every now and then. Beth continues to beat him, he's not super happy about it but he's proud of her and sure that he will beat her one of these times.

One day in 1973, Emilie and Benny were sitting in their apartment. Emilie had spruced the place up a bit, putting her own personal touch on some things. People who came to the apartment would now have a bit of nicer of a nicer couch to sit on and a nicer table to eat at.

The pair were playing a casual chess game, both multitasking as they did. Emilie had her feet propped up and was sketching using one of the photographs she had taken while writing one of her tournament articles. Benny was just watching TV. Despite his snobbery for a lot of "normal" things, he enjoys some good, old-fashioned American entertainment.

The game was nearing its end, Benny still had two rooks and he had the idea to use the ladder method of checkmating. Emilie had only a few pieces left, and none were in any position to help her poor king. The thing is about three more moves from mate, he put something on the board.

It was a small cube, one with a leather exterior.

Emilie's eyes widened, and her lashes fluttered as she blinked to be sure her eyes didn't deceive her. She exhaled then proceeded to continue drawing.

A coy smile formed on her lips at Benny's disbelief at her lack of a reaction.

He opened his mouth to speak but she interrupted saying cooly "Finish the game, Benny,"

He let out a chuckle and moved the wooden pieces to their endpoint.

"What are you gonna do now Harmon?"

"Well, I believe if that's what I think it is, you're supposed to ask me a question,"

He shuffled over and grabbed her hands to pull her to her feet. It was untraditional, but nothing was ever quite traditional when it came to them.

He held her hands and stared straight into her eyes. If one didn't know better you'd think he was looking for the bottom of the sea in her irises.

"Emilie Alice Harmon, will you marry me?"

She stalled for a second, miming thinking. He popped the box open and showed the gorgeous ring. It was simple but elegant in all the right ways. It was a thin band but the jewels were in it. A sapphire was the middle one which was in line with a few smaller diamonds.

"Okay I was going to do it before, but that ring it gorgeous." she squealed and tried to get a better look at it but before she did she looked up at him and stated with complete certainty,

"I love you Benny Watts, and I would love to marry you,"

She pressed a soft kiss to his lips before throwing her arms around him and trying on the ring.

Emilie turned around glancing back on the chessboard,

"Shoot, I still lost another game,"

"Well if you want to play another we can, 'cause either way I'm feeling like quite the winner here," They sat down across each other and couldn't help but smile.

Emilie let her mind wander as she gazed at the black and white squares of the chessboard, her mind ended up imagining Benny in a black suit, and her in a white dress.

That's the end of this story!!!

Thank you for sticking with me through all of this.

I have a new story in the works it might be very different from this one but I hope you all will like it.

Much love,


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