It was Her's

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Emilie couldn't help but smile. Everything she wanted, she had. She wanted to do something with her life, she now had hope. She wanted to still be able to draw and do what she loved, now she had a future. She had wanted someone to talk to, who wouldn't be like Sam, and now she had him. She wanted someone to love, and she might have an official contender, who she had spent almost the entire day with.

"Ok there's this restaurant I really like but they only do take out so would you mind just eating dinner in the car?"

"Oooh, how far away is it?"

"It's close to my apartment so about fifteen minutes from here,"

"Is it bad I kinda forgot you also lived here?" she giggled, "Also if you live near here why don't we just eat it at your house?"

"You're okay with that?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be? I trust you,"

He turned to look at her and there was this expression on his face she couldn't quite read.

"Ok let's go then,"

He ended up getting thai food from a quaint, seemingly family-owned business. The food smelled excellent even if she didn't know what most of the things were.

Once they pulled into his apartment and got out of the car, she realized how small the place looked. He must have made a considerable salary with the earnings from the chess tournaments. His actual apartment was in sort of a basement. You had to go downstairs from the surface to get to it and once they walked in, Emilie could see that it was even smaller than she thought it would be. As well as pretty modest. So modest that the tub was in the... living room? There was only one bedroom and a kitchen opposite it.

Benny tried to clean some stuff up while Emilie settled on the floor, attempting to make something of an official-looking setup.

They sat across each other and ate. A couple of the things were too spicy for Emilie but she attempted to bear it. They turned the radio on and talked while they ate.

Afterward, Benny went to play on one of his many chess boards and Emilie went to draw. They just enjoyed each other's company and listening to the music. The comfortable minutes passed but then a song Emilie really liked started playing. She glanced over at him, his face said bored but she had watched him play enough that was just his resting face.

She really liked this song so she turned it up and started dancing. He started to laugh for a bit until she walked over and grabbed his hand pulling him up to dance with her. He sort of just stood there at first which progressed to stiff dancing and eventually to him swinging and spinning her around. Emilie was laughing and dancing freely. Benny danced a bit but he mainly just watched in awe of the person in front of him. Her hair had fallen out of the style she had put it in earlier. The dimness of the apartment making her normally very clean and light features have more depth and shadow.

She stopped dancing to look at him looking at her. She could've sworn his eyes were darker.

A less upbeat song started playing now, this song was more slow and sensual. The tension in their glances increased exponentially. He looked her up and down. His eyes raking over her. She walked over and stepped closer to him. When he didn't react, she stepped forward so they were flush against each other. Benny gulped. Emilie leaned in, their noses now millimeters apart. She could feel his uneven breaths. She was never really the bold type but in this situation, the power was not in his hands. It was hers. She leaned in further tilting her head slightly, coming so close to pressing her lips against his but just as she was going to she walked over to his chessboard.

"Want to play chess?"

𝑪𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆: 𝑩𝒆𝒏𝒏𝒚 𝑾𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒔 𝒙 𝑶𝑪Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz